在這充滿喜樂的住棚節即將到來時祝你們平安! 在以色列,住棚節期間是認識新朋友的最佳時間。在我寫這篇簡訊時,凱瑞正在我們家的陽台上搭建我們家的”住棚”。下個星期住棚節期間,我們盼望可以邀請周圍不認識主耶穌的鄰居與我們一起喝咖啡/茶並彼此認識一下。我們禱告主耶穌作為最尊貴的客人與這些被邀請來到的人相遇。...
Tomorrowland, Jerusalem’s Gay Parade and God’s Heart
With deep sorrow, we remind you that immediately before and after Tisha b’Av, Israel sponsored two events characterized by the Scriptures as abominable to God’s heart. The first was a globalist-driven, luciferian festival for young adults, featuring Hindu and other deities, called Tomorrowland. (We asked you to pray about Tomorrowland…...