The US Embassy is not in Jerusalem for these Historical Reasons – and Other Nations Followed

When the State of Israel was re-established in 1948, its borders were based on the UN Partition Plan of 1947. That plan divided land which had been legally set aside for a Jewish state into two states: one Jewish and one Arab. It also set Jerusalem aside as a separate…...

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THEY DIDN’T JUST KILL JEWS: Why You Should Remember the Holocaust

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed annually on January 27. The UN established Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2005, choosing January 27 because the date marks the liberation of the notorious death camp at Auschwitz. (International Holocaust Remembrance Day is distinct from Israel’s own Holocaust Remembrance Day occurring in the…...

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Messianic Jewish Prayer from Israel for President Trump

It is said that former President John F. Kennedy once asked his Israeli counterpart how he could best support the young Jewish State. The answer given him was, “Be a great American president.” So we pray: “Father in Heaven, as Shabbat descends on Israel and America wakens to a new…...

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這是耶和華所做的,在我們眼中看為希奇。”(詩篇118:23) 用一個傳統的猶太人的禱告為當選的總統川普禱告


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在這個緊急的時刻(一直到1月20日)用策略性的經文為以色列和列國禱告 朋友們:這個星期日(1月15日),有72個國家將在巴黎聚集討論如何把以色列分裂出一個巴勒斯坦國。這是個具有重要意義的會議,我們絕不能低估它的重要性。這些國家可以很輕易地使用武力的手段達成他們分割土地的決議,我們則被直接扔入了一場世界末日戰爭中。...

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1月8日稱為提別月禁食日,這一天標誌著公元前586年巴比倫人圍困耶路撒冷並最終摧毀聖殿的第一天。(列王記下25:1, 撒迦利亞書8:19) 巴比倫人的圍困也導致了猶太人離開了應許之地。直到如今,我們還沒有完全從這兩個事件中恢復過來。然而根據拉比傳統,這一天我們不是停留在悲哀中,我們更要學習並轉化我們在其中的作用。拉比們說這一天的禁食代表著帶來恢復的全新開始。 (提別月10日,耶路撒冷被圍攻中)...

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Another Sign God is in Control of Recent Political Warfare Against Israel

Tomorrow, January 8, is the Fast of Tevet 10 (“Asara b’Tevet”), marking the first day of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem that led to the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC. (2 Kings 25:1, Zechariah 8:19) The siege also led to Jewish exile from the Land. To this day,…...

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基督徒可以師從反彌賽亞的拉比嗎? 探索經文裡的幾個思考要點


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