Why Still Care About Israel?

Why Still Care About Israel?

The Sanctity of Covenant, Moral Justice, and Prophetic Blessing

By Sandra Teplinsky – Published by Chosen Books, 2013 – View Table of Contents

Available PDF is currently being updated as Why Care About Israel?

Could you be asking all the wrong questions about Israel?

Conversation about the Arab-Israeli conflict usually starts by asking if God is for or against the Jewish state–or Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims. In this updated and urgent book, Sandra Teplinsky, an American-Israeli Jewish believer, shows why many Christians are asking the wrong questions about Israel. With gracious honesty and solid biblical insight, she unravels the mystery and controversy of Israel–and shows how it impacts you–by taking you into the Lord’s passion for all humankind.

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Endorsement Excerpts

“With precision and passion, Sandra Teplinsky weaves a wealth of material and presents a compelling case why we still need to care about Israel. It’s a powerful treatise and treasure.” Chris Mitchell, Jerusalem bureau chief, CBN News; author, Dateline Jerusalem

“An essential handbook of immeasurable worth for every thoughtful believer. Its message could not be more needed than in this present hour of global conflict, both political and spiritual.” Pastor Jack Hayford, author, Secrets of Intercessory Prayer; president, The King’s University

“The dividing line of the true Church will be its position on the Jews and Israel. You must be on God’s side. Read this book!” Sid Roth, TV host, It’s Supernatural!

” A much-needed and fresh approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Readers will be left well informed and caring deeply about the Jewish people (and others) because they encountered the heart and voice of God.” Jonathan Bernis, president, Jewish Voice Ministries International; author, A Rabbi Looks at the Last Days

“Inspirationally written, biblically accurate, extensively researched and user friendly to the common believer, Bible student or seasoned minister–a desperately needed message!” James W. Goll, director, Encounters Network; author, The Coming Israel Awakening

Also endorsed by leaders Wayne Hilsden and Rick Ridings.

Israel's Anointing

Israel’s Anointing

Your Inheritance and End-Time Destiny

By Sandra Teplinsky – Published by Chosen Books, 2008

Updated and Revised in 2022!

God’s destiny for the last days Church intersects with Israel. He is releasing ancient anointing resident on the Jewish nation for the whole Body of Messiah. As One New Man in Yeshua (Jesus) the Bride is preparing for the return of her Bridegroom King. But global conflict will precipitate Kingdom revival. Both a wedding and a war are at hand.

Israel’s Anointing prepares God’s people to stand firm during times of global shaking and Kingdom shifting. Each chapter addresses a major shift that will reshape dedicated followers of Yeshua, both Gentiles and Jews.The chapters build on each other, taking readers from ancient paths into the prophetic future.

Yeshua is coming again to set in place a tangible Kingdom according to the perfect law of love, liberty, justice, righteousness and peace.The increase of His Kingdom will never end. Care to participate? Israel is integral. Discover why and how.

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Endorsement Excerpts

“This is one of the defining books of this time in history.”
Dr. Chuck D. Pierce, president, Glory of Zion International Ministries

“A catalyst for revival!”
Lou Engle, founder, TheCall, International House of Prayer, Kansas City, MO

“This passionately written book dispels unbiblical thinking, opening up the deeply spiritual treasures that remain part of Israel’s God-given heritage.”
Dr. Michael L. Brown, president, ICN Ministries and FIRE School of Ministry, Concord, NC

“Gives insight into God’s heart and purposes for Israel in this hour, and how that applies to you personally as part of the body of Messiah.”
Jane Hansen Hoyt, president/CEO, Aglow International

“Reminds the Church that Jesus was a Jew, still is a Jew, and will return as a Jew to reign as King over a world at peace.”
Don Finto, director, The Caleb Company; author, Your People Shall Be My People.

Also endorsed by Jonathan Bernis, Heidi Baker, Jill Austin, Rick and Patti Ridings, Sid Roth, Steve Schultz and Rachel Boskey.

Why Care About Israel?

Why Care About Israel?

How the Jewish Nation Is Key to Unleashing God’s Blessings in the 21st Century

By Sandra Teplinsky – Published by Chosen Books, 2004 – View Table of Contents

Widely acclaimed by Christian and Messianic leaders, Why Care About Israel will propel you into prophetic revelation about God and Israel, unravel the Arab/Palestinian – Israeli conflict, and inspire you to action.

God has a plan for you. It starts with Israel. From the moment God created the Jewish nation, His plan for her was immense-nothing short of blessing the nations of the world. Yet, as this Messianic Jewish author explains, this calling has yet to be fulfilled. Sandra Teplinsky guides you through the mystery of God’s relationship with Israel and the implications for Gentile believers today. Be part of this great unleashing of blessing in the twenty-first century as you share in God’s passion for His ancient covenant people.

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Endorsement Excerpts

“The message of Sandra Teplinsky’s excellently articulated book Why Care About Israel? is a message the Church needs in this hour to come into its fullness. The Middle East crisis is bound up with this message. Get the book. Read it and pass it along, praying that it will invade the hearts of today’s church leaders around the world.”
Don Finto, pastor emeritus, Belmont Church, Nashville; director of The Caleb Company

“Sandy Teplinsky writes a brilliant and anointed book that is theologically sound and yet prophetically timely. I consider this must reading for every believer and pastor who loves Yeshua.”
Che Ahn, senior pastor, Harvest Rock Church, Pasadena, California

“Sandra Teplinsky has done each of us a special favor by opening our eyes to see and understand God’s clear and compelling call to restore His people, and why it’s critical that we care!”
Dick Eastman, international president, Every Home for Christ

“Sandy Teplinsky asks all the right questions and gives all the right answers with passion and precision and prophetic insight.”
Dr. Michael L. Brown, president, FIRE School of Ministry, Charlotte and New York

Also endorsed by James Goll, Jonathan Bernis and Avner Boskey.

The Blessing of Israel

The Blessing of Israel

What Christians Need to Know to Intercede and Interrelate with the Jewish Nation

By Sandra Teplinsky – Published by Light of Zion, 2003

God is propelling Christians and Jews into a shared destiny in these last days. In condensed form, The Blessing of Israel imparts God’s heart for His chosen people, and explains why and how the Jewish nation is key to world revival. In 85 succinct pages, learn the basics of how to pray for, and minister to, the Jewish people. The book is a concise and compelling study of Romans 9-11.

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The End Times Role Of “One New Man”


By Sandra Teplinsky

The story of Ruth foreshadows the prophetic dynamic of one new man. Read how Jew and Gentile together, sacrificially serving each other in love, not only brought about the first coming of Yeshua, but will also bring about His second coming. Learn how we will need each other to go forward in years ahead, birthing a global outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

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Out of the Darkness

Out of the Darkness

The Untold Story of Jewish Revival in the Former Soviet Union

By Sandra Teplinsky – Published by HOIM Publishing, 1998

Read the only first-hand, eye-witness account of modern Jewish revival! Enjoy inspirational, real-life stories from the former Soviet Union. Learn how tens of thousands of Jews gave their lives to Messiah in the 1990’s. This is a compelling testimony of the power of God and fulfilment of Bible prophecy. Limited number of copies available.

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A unção de Israel

Sua herança e destino no fim dos tempos por meio de Israel

Autor(es): Sandra Teplinsky –  2008

Contagem regressiva… os destinos de Israel e da Igreja estão em rota de convergência…

Enquanto os crentes em Jesus, tanto gentios quanto judeus, se preparam, juntos, para a sua volta, o reavivamento e a batalha mundiais aumentam. Sandra Teplinsky, uma cristã judia messiânica, traz à tona a antiga herança espiritual de Israel para compartilhar verdades essenciais e necessárias para este momento da história. Ao desvelar a transição do Reino do céu para a terra, A unção de Israel conduzirá você para o centro do coração de Deus — profética, prática e apaixonadamente — e o capacitará a cumprir seu destino nos dias vindouros.

Compre Agora

Alguns cristãos acham que o assunto “Israel” é, na melhor das hipóteses, político e, na pior, carnal. Escrito com paixão, este livro dissipa esse pensamento não bíblico, abrindo os profundos tesouros espirituais que permanecem como parte da herança dada por Deus a Israel. Se você ama a Jesus e seu Reino, será abençoado e enriquecido por este livro e perceberá que também ama os propósitos de Deus em relação a Israel.

Dr. Michael L. Brown, presidente da

FIRE School of Ministry, Concord, NC

O livro A unção de Israel é o que existe de atualizado para todo o Corpo do Messias. Seu livro lança a tão necessária luz sobre assuntos críticos, importantes tanto  para os crentes gentios quanto para os judeus, guiando-os à maturidade como um novo homem no Messias.

Jonathan Bernis, rabino messiânico, presidente do

Jewish Voice Ministries International

La Uncion de Israel

El destino de Israel y de la Iglesia
en el final de los tiempos

Autor(es): Sandra Teplinsky –  2008

Estamos en la cuenta regresiva…
los destinos de Israel y de la Iglesia se están uniendo

Mientras los discípulos de Jesús, tanto gentiles como judíos, se preparan juntos para su venida, el avivamiento global y las guerras aumentan. Sandra Teplinsky, una judía cristiana, toma la herencia espiritual de Israel para compartir verdades esenciales y necesarias para este momento de la historia. Al develar la transición del Reino de los cielos hacia la Tierra, La unción de Israel lo conducirá hacia la profundidad del corazón de Dios profética, práctica y apasionadamente, y lo capacitará para cumplir su destino en los días venideros.


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샌드라 테플린스키 지음

예수를 믿는 유대인과 크리스천은 함께 예수님의 다시 오심을 준비해야 하며, 이는 전 세계 영적 각성과 부흥, 영적전쟁이 증가되는 것과 연결됩니다.

예수를 믿는 유대인 샌드라 테플린스키는 이스라엘의 영적 유산이 마지막 시대 신자들의 몸을 온전케 하기 위해 필히 요구되는 진리라는 것을 전달합니다.

이 땅을 진동시키는 천국의 왕국의 계시들이 이 책에 있습니다.

‘이스라엘의 기름 부으심’은 당신을 하나님 마음의 깊은 곳까지 인도해 줄 것이며, 예언적이고 실제적이고 열정적으로 어떻게 당신의 부르심을 완수해야 하는지 큰 그림을 제시합니다.

지금 사십시오

일부 그리스도인들은 ‘이스라엘’이야기 라는 주제에 대해 정치적으로 접근하고, 심지어는 육신적인 생각을 갖습니다. 하지만 열정으로 쓰여진 이 책을 읽으면 그러한 비 성경적인 생각은 사라지고, 하나님께서 이스라엘에게 유산으로 주신 것들 가운데 남겨진 심오한 영적 보물들에 눈이 열릴 것입니다.

_ FIRE 사역 학교 교장, 마이클 브라운 박사

이 책은 유대인과 이방인 성도 모두에게 중요하고도 결정적인 문제를 다뤄, 메시아 안에서 우리가 한 새사람을 이루는 성숙으로 우리를 인도합니다.

_ 국제 유대인의 목소리 선교회 대표, 메시아닉 랍비, 조나단 버니스

샌드라 테플린스키의 새 책을 통해 여러분은 이 시간 이스라엘을 향한 하나님의 마음과 목적에 대한 직관을 갖게 될 뿐만 아니라 그것이 메시아의 몸의 일부인 여러분에게 개인적으로 어떻게 적용되는지를 깨닫게 될 것입니다.

_ 국제 어글로우 Aglow 대표, 제인 핸슨 호이트

저자는 성경적이고 예언적인 계시를 하나님을 향한 불타는 열정과 결합시켜, 신비한 것들을 풀어주며 우리를 옛 영적 유산에 접붙여 줍니다.  역사의 현 시점에 중요한 책입니다.

_ 캔자스 시 국제 기도의 집IHOP 및 Call 설립자, 루 잉글

이 책의 내용들을 품는다면, 여러분 삶의 많은 멍에들이 깨어질 것입니다. 우리 시대의 역사를 정의하는 책이라 할 만합니다.

_ 세계 추수 선교회/ 국제 시온의 영광 선교회 대표, 척 피어스 박사