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Jewish Crisis over the Western Wall: Time for Freedom of Worship?

In the past few weeks, a conflict which has been brewing for decades erupted between Israel and the West. It does not involve settlements, UN votes, or the Palestinians. It is a crisis between Israeli Jews and Jews in the Diaspora (other nations). Many Jewish people living outside the Land…...

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希伯來歷的“狹窄之地”從今天(7月11日) 開始:如何在聖靈中度過這個季節


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Today Starts “Between the Straits” on the Hebrew calendar: Here’s how to navigate the season in the Holy Spirit

July 11, 2017 is an important day in the Hebrew Scriptures and calendar, called “the fast of the fourth month” in Zech. 8:19. On this day, Tammuz 17, in both 586 BC and 70 AD, foreign armies breached the walls of Jerusalem. This led quickly to the city’s tragic fall…...

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PRAYER ALERT: Israel Sponsoring Globalist Luciferian Festival on July 29, 2017

“Tomorrowland – Unite” is a globalist music festival scheduled to take place in Israel in the city of Rishon Lezion on July 29. Though we rarely make such allegations, we see this event as Luciferian-driven through a “strange fire” mixture of witchcraft promoting the worship of foreign gods. The date…...

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Jubilee Anniversary of Israel’s Six Day War, June 5-10, 1967 and Reunified Jerusalem

Release God’s Prophetic Word on the 50th Anniversary of the Six Day War Join me in this 2 minute video on the Jubilee of Israel’s Six Day War (June 5-10, 1967). In that war, God miraculously restored biblical Judea and Samaria to the Jewish people. The Scriptures refer to Judea/Samaria…...

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Why Should You Celebrate the Feast of Shavuot (Weeks) Today?

The levitical Feast of Weeks (“Shavuot”) celebrates and honors God’s covenants of love. (Lev. 23:15-44) An early harvest feast, Shavuot falls 50 days after Passover, on the 7th day of third biblical month. This year the date corresponds to May 30-31, 2017. According to tradition, It was on Shavuot that…...

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基於利未記的五旬節是慶祝和尊榮神愛的永約。(利未記23:15-44) 五旬節是上半年慶祝收穫的節期,是在逾越節後的第五十天開始,也就是第三個聖經月份的第七天。這個節期在今年(2017)是從5月30日日落後開始。...

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Why the most pro-Israel president in American history is not so pro-Israel as you may think – and how to pray

Like every American president in recent history, Donald Trump seems confident he can broker the ultimate deal between Israel and the Palestinian people. Problem is, unlike his predecessors, he might actually succeed. The other problem is, he might not. In either case Mr. Trump will be walking a political, military,…...

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寫在以色列的國殤日和獨立紀念日(2017年5月1日和5月2日): 雅各遭難的時候就在前面嗎?


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