Preparing for 2018: “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

As 2017 dashes to an end, Israelis across the spectrum are concerned with what could soon be the end of another sort: the tenure of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. According to news reports, protracted investigations into three cases of possible bribery, breach of trust and corruption on the part of…...

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Comforting Zion: Hospitalized Children

This #Giving Tuesday and in time for Hanukkah, together we can bless hospitalized Jewish and Arab Israeli children suffering from painful injury or disease. Most of these precious little ones are being treated for cancer or are battling other serious, degenerative diseases. On #Giving Tuesday November 28, and for a…...

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Praying into a Strategic Season for Israel and the US

US Vice President Pence Ushers Holy Spirit into the Israeli Knesset The Holy Spirit descends on Israel’s Knesset (Parliament) today as US Vice President Pence, a faithful follower of Yeshua, shares from Scripture. At the end of his speech, Pence diplomatically speaks into the governmental heart of Israel. He reminds…...

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Hanukkah, Christmas and Yesterday’s UN Vote

Yesterday the United Nations voted an overwhelming 128-9 to condemn the United States’ recent recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. (Hours after that recognition, I took the photo you see of a rare rainbow over Jerusalem.) The subsequent UN vote just so happened to occur on December 21,…...

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重申恢復以色列的法令: 重振1917年11月2日的“巴爾福宣言”


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We Watched God Move in New Ways During the Fall Feasts: Good News from Zion

During the season of fall feasts that just ended, I believe we witnessed nothing less than Kingdom-shifting breakthroughs for the sake of world evangelization. It would not be inaccurate to say that a fresh wave of revival was released from Israel. The breakthrough and release are significant but subtle. Therefore,…...

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Prophetic Outlook for Israel

Recently I was asked to compile a summary of prophetic words about Israel for this interval of time. The compilation, reprinted below, will be presented at an international, prophetic round table taking place this month. Please bear in mind that most or all matters described are conditional, depending to varying…...

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Reaffirming the Decree for Israel’s Restoration: Reviving the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917

This week marks the anniversaries of two historic, global level declarations that released Kingdom of God transformation in the earth. Courageous words penned by Martin Luther changed the Church worldwide; those of Lord Arthur Balfour altered the course of Jewish history forever. You and I are privileged to run in…...

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The Feast of Tabernacles: Impartation of Joy

The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) starts tonight in Israel. This prophetic feast uniquely releases joy, and as a follower of Jesus (Yeshua), you are invited to the celebration. An agriculture oriented feast, Sukkot celebrates God’s loving care and provision in our lives. This year the feast falls on October 4…...

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