與神親近的特別恩典 9月4日開始我們進入到以祿月。以祿月是神曉諭以色列的神聖月曆中的第6個月份(出埃及記12章2節),也是以色列民曆中的第11個月份,有些人認為以色列用的民曆是神賜給世界的月曆。在當今的時代,以色列同時使用兩份月曆(公曆在以色列使用也很普遍)。...
Tomorrowland, Jerusalem’s Gay Parade and God’s Heart
With deep sorrow, we remind you that immediately before and after Tisha b’Av, Israel sponsored two events characterized by the Scriptures as abominable to God’s heart. The first was a globalist-driven, luciferian festival for young adults, featuring Hindu and other deities, called Tomorrowland. (We asked you to pray about Tomorrowland…...