2016 年 6月 4號-5號是耶路撒冷日(耶路撒冷贖罪日):一同慶祝先知性的預言成就


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對於泰普林斯基一家來說,這個星期是充滿爭戰的一週! 我們知道當仇敵好像急流的河水衝來時,是耶和華之氣驅逐的。(以賽亞書59:19) 幾天前,當我家的洗衣機出現故障把整個房子給淹了時,這句經文跳了出來。這就發生在我們的住宅辦理過戶手續前的幾個小時(我們正在為搬回以色列出售房子)。...

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你們知道嗎?根據傳統的猶太解釋,以斯帖三天的禁食是發生在踰越節而不是普珥節。哈曼發令在“第一個月的13日”滅絕猶太人。(以斯帖記3章12節) 雖然聖經的記載不是完全的清楚,但是拉比們相信猶太人是在那一天晚些時候或是第二天禁食。...

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Yesterday’s Jerusalem Marathon and a Brief Heavenly Encounter

Today was Jerusalem Marathon Day, an event that drew 30,000 runners and almost as many spectators. We learned a few days ago that our home was along the planned route, so we looked forward to watching out the window. I should have anticipated that in Israel, a marathon of this…...

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Keys to a Purim Turnaround Victory from the Hebrew Scriptures

The joyful feast of Purim*, based on the book of Esther, falls this year on March 12-13. (In certain places the holiday will extend to March 14.)  Some Bible scholars believe Yeshua was in Jerusalem for the purpose of celebrating Purim when He ministered in John 5. I will not…...

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Purim: “Observe the days as days of feasting and joy and giving … gifts to the poor.” (Esther 9:22)

This Purim, we invite you to join us in giving to some of the neediest of needy Israelis. Together, we really can save at least one Jewish life! Your gift can help spare an unborn baby from abortion because the parents have decided they can’t afford it. ON THE HOLIDAY…...

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這個月來到以色列真是太好了! 雖然每天仍有刀刺事件(或是企圖)在發生、與哈馬斯的另一場戰爭的威脅一天天加劇、近旁就是伊斯蘭的殺戮場、以及世界上不斷加劇的暴力敵對以色列/反猶的行為,但是上帝的榮耀仍然彰顯在這裡。...

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As you know, President Trump will be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu in Washington tomorrow, February 15, 2017. Yesterday we participated in a prayer watch at the house of prayer in Jerusalem with which we co-labor, Succat Hallel. There the Holy Spirit revealed to us critical points for prayer about…...

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2016年2月12日 你們是否想知道上帝對他的國度的熱情和負擔呢?那麼就請思想一下以色列。 上帝極為”熱情”地愛著列國。因著這個原因,他創造了一個稱為以色列的國家。雖然以色列的人數在萬民中是最少的,然而她卻成為上帝對於列國救贖的關鍵。這一切都是上帝的旨意,他對以色列的命定必會成就。...

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