“Even when their paths wind through the dark valley of tears … they find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. He gives to them a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring. Hear my cry, O God of Heaven’s Armies! God of Jacob, listen to…...
An Extraordinary Purim Testimony by Sandra Tepliinsky
Based on the book of Esther, the holiday of Purim is always a meaningful time for observant Jews, especially here in Israel. This year, however, it proved to be extraordinary–at least for some of us followers of Messiah. Allow me to share a very personal testimony. Visiting the Massacre Memorial…...
A PM for the PM by Dr. Kerry Teplinsky – July 23, 2023
“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 (NKJV) Last Saturday PM Netanyahu was hospitalized for lightheadedness or fainting. This was not the first time this has happened. Yesterday, he received a pacemaker (pm) to correct this. The warning signs had been…...
The Incense of Prayer
The parasha for this week (March 11-17, 2023) is called Ki Tisa. Packed with rich insight and majestic mystery, Ki Tisa includes God’s instructions for the offering of incense to Him in Israel’s holy tabernacle and temple. Today, neither tabernacle nor temple exists. But as a New Covenant believer, your…...
ARE DEMOCRATIC FREEDOMS IN ISRAEL UNDER THREAT? How to Pray with Discernment — by Sandra Teplinsky (2 February 2023)
Israel’s new, extremely right wing governing coalition has announced its intent to dramatically curb certain powers exercised for decades by the Israeli High Court. This has given rise to roiling domestic discord and public protest over threats to democracy. International media outlets and global leaders have expressed outrage at Israel…...