
ARE DEMOCRATIC FREEDOMS IN ISRAEL UNDER THREAT? How to Pray with Discernment — by Sandra Teplinsky (2 February 2023)

Israel’s new, extremely right wing governing coalition has announced its intent to dramatically curb certain powers exercised for decades by the Israeli High Court. This has given rise to roiling domestic discord and public protest over threats to democracy. International media outlets and global leaders have expressed outrage at Israel…...

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In the Matter of Jerusalem July 2022: Response to Directive for Execution of Judgment of the High Court of Heaven

(This post is offered as a suggested template for intercession concerning US President Biden’s visit to Jerusalem and the Middle East July 13-16. It can be modified as may be appropriate for different prayer styles and as the Lord leads.) In the unity of one accord, we, a remnant of…...

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What Really is Lag b’Omer?

Tomorrow, May18-19, 2022, the annual holiday of Lag b’Omer will be celebrated in Israel. Lag b’Omer, which is neither directly nor indirectly referenced in the Bible, literally means the 33rd day of counting the omer. According to Jewish tradition, this minor festival commemorates an ancient mystical sage, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, and…...

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Holocaust Remembrance Day: Five Ways to Pray

“This I recall to mind; therefore, I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed because His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:21-23) Today, April 28, is a sober day in Israel as the nation observes Holocaust Remembrance Day (“Yom…...

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Call To Pray NOW: Iran!

We are sounding a critical call to pray now concerning Iran. According to official reports, by the end of this month (October 2021) Iran will have acquired enough enriched uranium with which to build a nuclear weapon. Iran has openly declared for many years its intent to “wipe Israel off…...

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10 Fascinating Facts about Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) September 20-27, 2021

The word Sukkot is plural for sukkah, referring to a booth or hut. Sukkah stems from the Hebrew root sakak, meaning to cover over or protect. During the Feast of Sukkot, we live in booths (sukkot) for seven days to remember God’s protective covering and provision during Israel’s 40 years…...

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Yom Kippur 5782: Day of At-one-ment for Israel, the Church and the Nations

The Levitical feast of Yom Kippur (known as the Day of Atonement) starts tonight, September 15, the tenth day of the seventh month (Tishri) of the biblical calendar year. It is the sixth of seven annual Levitical feasts, three of which occur in the fall. Since ancient times the Jewish people…...

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Perplexing Times: How to Pray in Peace

Many years ago an American rabbi named Harold Kushner (not a believer in Yeshua) wrote a lay theology book entitled, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” The book was a blockbuster, especially in secular circles. It endeavored to explain not just when, but why bad things happen to good…...

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This season of Passover we are “sounding a trumpet” before the Israeli election on March 23. God marvelously delivered and set His people free to worship and serve Him at the original Passover and exodus. We are calling for a holy convocation of Israeli believers to petition Heaven to once…...

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How Shall We Pray Concerning President Trump’s Peace Plan?

A wholehearted thanks to each of you who prayed with us this month according to the specific, daily prayers we shared in our emails. Like the biblical character Ruth, may you be richly rewarded by the God of Israel, under whose wings you abide with much favor. This week we…...

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