One New Man

This Passover: God’s Limitless Love for the Gentiles by Sandra Teplinsky

In a world that is almost unimaginably anti-Semitic, and on the heels of Iran’s aerial assault a few days ago, we cannot overstate how grateful we are for our praying, extended family in the nations. As we thank God for His gracious protection of Israel, we know Christian intercession is…...

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One Critical Challenge to One New Man

ARTICLE SUMMARY: While deeply grateful for Christian support of Israel, we have watched increasing numbers, especially leaders, seek to bless the Jewish people at the cost of compromising, withholding and then denying, the Gospel. This approach was well intended. A remnant of evangelicals wanted to heal 2,000 years of Christian…...

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The Special Meaning of Yom Kippur for Messianic Believers

Yom Kippur (occurring this year September 18-19) is a biblical feast full of deep, prophetic significance. It points magnificently to the ministry of Yeshua in both His first and second comings. Here are some basic aspects of this special, holy day and ways you can engage meaningfully with God during…...

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God’s Esther Call to Israel in 5779 (2018-19)

Have you been chosen by our King to stand in the gap for His Jewish people in an Esther-like capacity? In ancient times, God placed a young woman named Esther in a position of royal authority so she could intercede for the salvation of the Jews. (Esther 4:12-16) In the…...

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We Watched God Move in New Ways During the Fall Feasts: Good News from Zion

During the season of fall feasts that just ended, I believe we witnessed nothing less than Kingdom-shifting breakthroughs for the sake of world evangelization. It would not be inaccurate to say that a fresh wave of revival was released from Israel. The breakthrough and release are significant but subtle. Therefore,…...

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Prophetic Outlook for Israel

Recently I was asked to compile a summary of prophetic words about Israel for this interval of time. The compilation, reprinted below, will be presented at an international, prophetic round table taking place this month. Please bear in mind that most or all matters described are conditional, depending to varying…...

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Why Should You Celebrate the Feast of Shavuot (Weeks) Today?

The levitical Feast of Weeks (“Shavuot”) celebrates and honors God’s covenants of love. (Lev. 23:15-44) An early harvest feast, Shavuot falls 50 days after Passover, on the 7th day of third biblical month. This year the date corresponds to May 30-31, 2017. According to tradition, It was on Shavuot that…...

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Hanukkah and Christmas Convergence Celebration

In a few days Hanukkah and Christmas will both fall on December 25.  Jews around the world will usher in the Festival of Lights as Christians celebrate the Light of the World. Often the two holidays coincide because Hanukkah is an eight day commemoration. But this year’s convergence of Christmas…...

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Arab-Israeli Reconciliation: Important New Stride

Last week we had the joy of participating in a reconciliation summit focused on healing spiritual wounds from the ancient breach between the two mothers Sarah and Hagar. Arab, Jewish and international prayer leaders came together in an amazing level of unity. We committed to surrender to the leadership of…...

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Why I’m Inspired by the Jerusalem Body of Believers

  My first introduction to believers in Yeshua in Jerusalem took place 34 years ago. Back then, much prayerful effort was needed to locate even a handful of fellow Messianic Jews. A sprinkling of evangelical Christians at that time were pioneering ministries to bless Israel and a bit easier to…...

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