Praying for Jerusalem in Her Jubilee Year

Psalm 122:6 says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” The rest of the psalm tells us how. (Translation used is the NIV.) v.1. I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” God wants us to pray for Jerusalem with joy. The…...

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Blessings of Siferat HaOmer to You!

“Then [after Passover] you are to count from the morrow after the Shabbat, from the day that you brought the omer of the wave offering, seven complete Shabbat[s]. Until the morrow after the seventh Shabbat you are to count fifty days, and then present a grain offering to Adonai.” (Leviticus…...

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Celebrating Passover as a Prophetic Intercessory Act

The biblical feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread are just days away, falling this year on April 10-17. Here in Jerusalem, holiday excitement is in the air.  Meticulous pre-Passover housecleaning is dwindling to its final sweep of leaven from homes and businesses. Shoppers scurry through streets in last minute preparation…...

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Who Owns Jerusalem? (Probably not who you’d think.)

To the surprise of many, Christians own most of the wealthiest parts of Jerusalem. Despite global focus on the Arab-Jewish controversy, traditional churches hold title deed to large swaths of real estate here. The Prime Minister’s and President’s Residences, Knesset, Israel Museum, King David Hotel, Great Synagogue, Mamila Mall and…...

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On Israeli Memorial and Independence Days (May 1 and 2, 2017): Does the Day of Jacob’s Trouble Lie Ahead?

This week we celebrate with thanksgiving the 69th anniversary of the re-gathered Jewish state. Israeli Independence Day always comes the day after Memorial Day, which honors fallen soldiers and terror victims. The unusual timing was intentionally set so that 24 hours of sorrow and mourning would be followed by joy…...

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At Purim: Four Keys to Overturning Kingdoms of this World from the Book of Esther

The biblical feast of Purim (“Lots”) takes place this year on the evening of March 11-13. The merriest of all Jewish holidays, Purim is based on the book of Esther. As you likely know, the book is an historical account of events that occurred in Persia (modern Iran) approximately 2,500…...

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Today is Tu b’Shvat: What This Biblical Holiday Can Mean for Christians

Today, February 10-11, Israel celebrates the biblical holiday of Tu b’Shvat. Meaning simply the “15th day of the 7th month,” Tu b’Shvat is also known as the New Year for Trees. The holiday originates from Leviticus 19:23-25: “When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, regard…...

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