SUMMARY: This week’s parasha, Ki Tisa, explodes with the fire of love that ignites and compels effective intercession. As we read and engage with Moses’ prayers of passion for Israel, we are escorted to the inner chambers of God’s heart. There we discover depths of friendship with Him that drive…...
Passover – Resurrection Transition: Israel’s Government Will be on His Shoulders
Israeli politics have drawn world attention this week. The votes have been counted and many are congratulating Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party for his record-setting 5th term as Prime Minister. In fact, however, Mr. Netanyahu has not been appointed prime minister—as least not yet. We write this article to…...
Recouping a Lost Passover-Crucifixion-Resurrection Nexus
This Friday, Jewish people around the world will observe Passover. At the same time, Christians will commemorate Good Friday. On Sunday, most will celebrate the glorious Resurrection of Messiah. (Some Orthodox traditions and Messianic Jews, based on Leviticus 23:9-14, will observe Resurrection Day on April 8.) More and more, God’s…...
Several days ago, Sandra wrote a general overview of what seems to be taking place in Israel. She described from an intercessory perspective what could be occurring in the spirit realm. In this article, Kerry writes from a facts on-the-ground, more political point of view. We hope our combined perspectives…...