
10 Fascinating Facts about Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) September 20-27, 2021

The word Sukkot is plural for sukkah, referring to a booth or hut. Sukkah stems from the Hebrew root sakak, meaning to cover over or protect. During the Feast of Sukkot, we live in booths (sukkot) for seven days to remember God’s protective covering and provision during Israel’s 40 years…...

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Yom Teruah 5782: What are Heaven’s Shofars Declaring?

Yom Teruah falls this year on September 6-8. It is the first of three fall feasts, or appointed times with the Lord, set forth in Leviticus 23:23-43. Yom Teruah literally means Day of Blasting, but the holiday is more commonly known as the Feast of Trumpets. The day is to…...

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Yom Kippur 5782: Day of At-one-ment for Israel, the Church and the Nations

The Levitical feast of Yom Kippur (known as the Day of Atonement) starts tonight, September 15, the tenth day of the seventh month (Tishri) of the biblical calendar year. It is the sixth of seven annual Levitical feasts, three of which occur in the fall. Since ancient times the Jewish people…...

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Celebrating the Feast of Shavuot, 17 May 2021

Today is Shavuot (Feast of Weeks). What does this feast mean for you and me and what is God’s greatest gift to us through it? Despite the difficulties of the times, something wonderful is taking place in the global Body of Christ. Around the world, more and more believers have…...

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During the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, tensions rose dramatically in Jerusalem, culminating in riots on the Temple Mount and violence between Jews and Palestinians in the nearby neighborhood of Sheik Jarrah. A handful of Palestinian families are being evicted from properties in Sheik Jarrah originally and lawfully owned by Jews.…...

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IS THE NETANYAHU ERA OVER? How to Pray in a Time of Transition

Is the Netanyahu era coming to a close? Yesterday, after four elections in which he has been unable to form a solid coalition and secure his position as Prime Minister, Mr. Netanyahu and his right wing allies were dealt a severe blow in the Knesset. To understand the surprising events…...

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PASSOVER AND THE ENDTIMES: Deeper Meanings and Blessings of Passover

The joyful feast of Passover (Pesach) will be celebrated March 27. Many believers have come to understand that Passover foreshadows the Crucifixion of the Lamb of God, Yeshua our Messiah. What is less commonly known, however, is that Passover also serves as a type of blueprint for understanding the endtimes…...

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Perplexing Times: How to Pray in Peace

Many years ago an American rabbi named Harold Kushner (not a believer in Yeshua) wrote a lay theology book entitled, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.” The book was a blockbuster, especially in secular circles. It endeavored to explain not just when, but why bad things happen to good…...

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This season of Passover we are “sounding a trumpet” before the Israeli election on March 23. God marvelously delivered and set His people free to worship and serve Him at the original Passover and exodus. We are calling for a holy convocation of Israeli believers to petition Heaven to once…...

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Happy New Year

At the start of a Gregorian new year, the Lord often shares with me a single word to summarize what He desires to highlight in my life and ministry in the upcoming 12 months. The word has always been relevant to the larger Body of Messiah. You might recall that…...

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