
The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah): Much More than a Dress Rehearsal

The atmosphere in Israel this week is tinged with lively expectancy, despite the drama of political posturing and military threats of Iran. Around the country, preparations are underway for Yom Teruah (Day or Feast of Trumpets), also known as Rosh HaShanah (Head of the Year) on September 30. Yom Kippur…...

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Meditations for Each Day of Sukkot  

We hope you are blessed through this special devotional for Sukkot, October 13-21, 2019/5780. Day 1: Why Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)? God graciously gives us the feast of Sukkot so “that your generations may know that I made the people of Israel to dwell in booths [sukkot] when I brought…...

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Engage with Yeshua this Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, will be observed this year Tuesday evening through Wednesday evening, October 8-9. God commissioned Israel’s high priest on this most holy day to provide for the atonement of His people’s sins. For followers of Yeshua, who according to 1 Peter 2:9 are a royal…...

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What Do Israel’s Election Results Suggest for Messianic Faith in the Land?

The votes are in. Israel’s second national election this year has, once again, yielded no clear winning party. But for Kingdom purposes, at least one prayed-for victory was scored: The ultra-Orthodox, anti-Messiah political stronghold in our government was, and continues to be, shaken. The battle for genuine religious freedom in…...

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Love Compelling Effective Intercession: A Study of This Week’s Torah Portion (February 22, 2019)

SUMMARY: This week’s parasha, Ki Tisa, explodes with the fire of love that ignites and compels effective intercession. As we read and engage with Moses’ prayers of passion for Israel, we are escorted to the inner chambers of God’s heart. There we discover depths of friendship with Him that drive…...

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Are you hungry for more of God, His love, purity and presence? The upcoming weeks could provide an opportunity for you to align with Israel and feast on Him in a special way.  Bein ha Metzarim (“Between the Straits”) is a watershed period of time in the biblical calendar, beginning…...

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Tuesday’s Israeli Election

The biblical Feast of Trumpets (“Yom Teruah”), falling this year on September 29-30, is still two weeks away. But this Tuesday, September 17, trumpets of another sort will sound their awakening calls. On that day the citizens of Israel will cast their votes in a second effort to elect a…...

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Passover – Resurrection Transition: Israel’s Government Will be on His Shoulders

Israeli politics have drawn world attention this week. The votes have been counted and many are congratulating Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party for his record-setting 5th term as Prime Minister. In fact, however, Mr. Netanyahu has not been appointed prime minister—as least not yet. We write this article to…...

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Recouping a Lost Passover-Crucifixion-Resurrection Nexus

This Friday, Jewish people around the world will observe Passover. At the same time, Christians will commemorate Good Friday. On Sunday, most will celebrate the glorious Resurrection of Messiah. (Some Orthodox traditions and Messianic Jews, based on Leviticus 23:9-14, will observe Resurrection Day on April 8.) More and more, God’s…...

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“I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory.” (Haggai 2:6-7) We’re getting a second chance. How will we respond? You probably…...

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