

Happy Jewish New Year 5784, traditionally known as Rosh Hashanah, falling this year on September 15-17. To be accurate, Rosh Hashanah is not a biblical event, or even a phrase in the context of any feast. As we’ve pointed out for many years, the holiday known today as Rosh Hashanah…...

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A PM for the PM by Dr. Kerry Teplinsky – July 23, 2023

“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 (NKJV) Last Saturday PM Netanyahu was hospitalized for lightheadedness or fainting. This was not the first time this has happened. Yesterday, he received a pacemaker (pm) to correct this. The warning signs had been…...

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Tisha b’Av: Can it be Redeemed in Our Time? by Sandra Teplinsky

Tisha b’Av, the annual day of Jewish mourning and fasting, falls this year on July 26-27. With Israel facing a possible civil war and existential war with Iran, Tisha b’Av 5783/2023 summons us to facedown sobriety before God. Tisha b’Av literally means “9th of Av,” referring to the 9th day…...

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Tammuz 17 and Bein HaMetzarim 2023: A Time for War?

July 6, 2023 represents a critical day in the biblical calendar and Hebrew Scriptures, corresponding to the 17th of the month of Tammuz. Zechariah 8:19 refers to this day as “the fast of the fourth month.” On Tammuz 17, in both 586 BC and 70 AD, invading armies attacked and…...

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After the Isaiah 62 Fast, Now What?

© 2023, Sandra Teplinsky — In March 2023, when a handful of American prayer leaders announced an initiative to mobilize millions of Christians to fast and pray for Israel for 21 days, like many other Israeli Messianic Jews, I was dumbfounded. And I was delighted. And frankly, I was just…...

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The Incense of Prayer

The parasha for this week (March 11-17, 2023) is called Ki Tisa. Packed with rich insight and majestic mystery, Ki Tisa includes God’s instructions for the offering of incense to Him in Israel’s holy tabernacle and temple. Today, neither tabernacle nor temple exists. But as a New Covenant believer,  your…...

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ARE DEMOCRATIC FREEDOMS IN ISRAEL UNDER THREAT? How to Pray with Discernment — by Sandra Teplinsky (2 February 2023)

Israel’s new, extremely right wing governing coalition has announced its intent to dramatically curb certain powers exercised for decades by the Israeli High Court. This has given rise to roiling domestic discord and public protest over threats to democracy. International media outlets and global leaders have expressed outrage at Israel…...

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Why Mothers Day 2023 is key to the Isaiah 62 Global Fast

Happy Mothers Day to every mother in the Body of Messiah who has birthed or nurtured biological or spiritual children! Mothers Day is always a special occasion but this year, it has even more significance than usual. As you may know, believers around the world are fasting and praying for…...

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Why and How We Should Pray Now for Netanyahu’s Coalition Government: 10 Target Prayer Points – by Sandra Teplinsky

Earlier this month, Israeli voters cast their ballots to elect the most right-wing government in our country’s history. While I did not personally vote for any of the parties likely to form that coalition, I do believe the election results reflect God’s gracious answer to our prayers. Much fervent and…...

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Why Are So Many Jewish People in the West (and Some Israelis) So Liberal? – by Sandra Teplinsky

Regularly I am asked by Christian friends why Jewish people, especially in America, are often so liberal in their ideology and politics. Gentile believers in the nations tell me they cannot understand why so many Jews in the West support philosophies and movements which not only seem fundamentally contrary to…...

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