這個星期五,世界各地的猶太人將會守逾越節。同時,基督徒將紀念主耶穌的受難日。星期天,大多數人會慶祝彌賽亞的榮耀的復活。 (有些東正教傳統和彌賽亞猶太人會根據利未記23:9-144在4月8日慶祝復活日。)神的子民越來越多地認識到逾越節/出埃及與釘十字架/復活之間的先知性和歷史性的聯繫。然而,這一聯結有個實際應用的方面尚未在神的子民中恢復。...
Israel-Iran Military Confrontation and Ezekiel 36
Israel launched a large scale strike against an Iranian military base in Syria early this morning, February 10. The attack occurred minutes after “a severe and irregular violation of Israeli sovereignty” by an Iranian military UAV. The UAV encroached upon Israeli airspace from Syria, shooting photographs. (https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-launches-large-scale-attack-in-syria-after-drone-infiltration/; https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-says-iran-syria-playing-with-fire-but-does-not-want-escalation/) Israeli jets…...
Israeli Police Recommend Netanyahu Indictment: Scriptures and Prayer Points
A few days ago we woke up to read the sad headlines of our (still) daily delivered Israeli newspaper. Israeli Police have officially recommended to the Attorney General that Prime Minister Netanyahu be criminally prosecuted for breach of trust, fraud and bribery. Attorney General Mandelblit must now decide if the…...