ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hanukkah recounts the miraculous victory of a tiny Maccabean army of warrior priests over the mighty Selucid-Greek Empire in 165 BC. A second, presumed event generally regarded as equally miraculous, celebrates that a minute amount of holy oil kept the fire of God’s lampstand burning for eight days.…...
The Intriguing and Inspirational First Intercessory Prayer in Scripture
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Abraham’s intriguing ministry of intercession, unlocked and unpacked, can invigorate your own intercessory prayer life. The traditionally read Torah portion for this week, Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24), shows us why. The first intercessory prayer recorded in Scripture is found in this week’s Parasha. There Abraham extends hospitality to three…...
One Critical Challenge to One New Man
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While deeply grateful for Christian support of Israel, we have watched increasing numbers, especially leaders, seek to bless the Jewish people at the cost of compromising, withholding and then denying, the Gospel. This approach was well intended. A remnant of evangelicals wanted to heal 2,000 years of Christian…...
Releasing the Joy of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
Called “the season of our joy,” the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) begins tonight and lasts through September 30. I’m grateful that each year the Holy Spirit infuses the biblical feasts with fresh, personal meaning to me. Annually I discover in them new and magnificent expressions of the living Word. I…...