
伟大救恩日(或大和撒那日,Hoshana Rabba,2018年9月30日) 9月30日(主日),我们将要庆祝住棚节的最后一天,也是个最大之日。这一天称为“伟大救恩日),就在这一天,主耶稣向世人表明他是弥赛亚。主耶稣时代的犹太人明白这一天所具有的先知性的、关乎弥赛亚的意义。而今天,外邦的耶稣的跟随者们也应该明白这一天的意义。...

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The Mystery of Shemini Atzeret: God’s Post-Sukkot Feast

The jubilant Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) has come to its annual close. I hope, like me, you were able enjoy the sweet seclusion of tabernacling with the Lord last week. The fragrance of His fellowship in our modest outdoor booth still lingers in my heart—and I don’t want it to…...

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Releasing the Joy of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

Called “the season of our joy,” the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) begins tonight and lasts through September 30. I’m grateful that each year the Holy Spirit infuses the biblical feasts with fresh, personal meaning to me. Annually I discover in them new and magnificent expressions of the living Word. I…...

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The Special Meaning of Yom Kippur for Messianic Believers

Yom Kippur (occurring this year September 18-19) is a biblical feast full of deep, prophetic significance. It points magnificently to the ministry of Yeshua in both His first and second comings. Here are some basic aspects of this special, holy day and ways you can engage meaningfully with God during…...

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Hoshana Rabbah: Sukkot’s Grand Finale

Hoshana Rabba (September 30, 2018) This Sunday, September 30, we will celebrate the last and greatest day of the Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles). Called Hoshana Rabba (Great Salvation), it is the day on which Yeshua revealed publicly that He is Messiah. The day carries prophetic and messianic significance which the…...

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Alignment with Jerusalem: The 70 Year Shift has Begun

Part 2 of 2 Last week, part 1 of this 2 part series described how the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem could pave way for new realities of governance in this city – and beyond. That article also described several other events which, considered together, suggest a new…...

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God’s Esther Call to Israel in 5779 (2018-19)

Have you been chosen by our King to stand in the gap for His Jewish people in an Esther-like capacity? In ancient times, God placed a young woman named Esther in a position of royal authority so she could intercede for the salvation of the Jews. (Esther 4:12-16) In the…...

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