Dramatic Shaking in Israel: Praying God’s Purposes
Over the past two months the Israeli government has undergone unusally dramatic turbulence. Institutional shaking in politics and national security has steadily increased. As intercessors, we view these shakings as answers to prayer for God to expose evil and raise up a righteous, just government aligned with His Word. The…...
New Year Encouragement from this Week’s Parasha
Jewish tradition has assigned to each week of the Hebraic year a formal reading of a portion of the Torah (parasha) and other Hebrew Scriptures (haftorah). Evidence exists suggesting this practice could date back to biblical times. The relevance of the parasha to our circumstances each week is often striking.…...
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hanukkah recounts the miraculous victory of a tiny Maccabean army of warrior priests over the mighty Selucid-Greek Empire in 165 BC. A second, presumed event generally regarded as equally miraculous, celebrates that a minute amount of holy oil kept the fire of God’s lampstand burning for eight days.…...
The Intriguing and Inspirational First Intercessory Prayer in Scripture
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Abraham’s intriguing ministry of intercession, unlocked and unpacked, can invigorate your own intercessory prayer life. The traditionally read Torah portion for this week, Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24), shows us why. The first intercessory prayer recorded in Scripture is found in this week’s Parasha. There Abraham extends hospitality to three…...