
The Arab-Israeli Conflict and President Obama’s Speech

Yesterday on May 19, President Obama gave a speech on recent events in the Middle East. This address may well shape events unfolding in the near future which pertain to Israel. While most of the President’s speech concerned the “Arab Spring” uprisings throughout the region, the last quarter of the…...

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First Things: The First Jew Speaks at the New Year

Each January 1 the world crosses a threshold in time as measured by the Gregorian calendar. Although January 1 does not represent the Bible-based new year, our loving Father will many times work within the framework of secular time. So on the first day of the first month, it seemed…...

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Prayer Points for Israel at the New Year

Gilad Shalit: A Prophetic Perspective Negotiations continue for the release of Gilad Shalit, the young Israeli soldier kidnapped 3 ½ years ago and held captive by Hamas in Gaza. For his return, Hamas demands an exchange of nearly 1,000 terrorists from Israeli jails. Some of the terrorists are major Hamas…...

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The Intercessory Sacrifice of Praise

Grace and glory to you, as together we serve the coming Bridegroom King. Those of you who have been faithful friends to Israel for any period know there’s never been a time the 61 year old country has not been in crisis. For years we’ve prepared regular updates about Israel’s critical…...

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The Purim Iranian Threat

And happy Purim to each of you! Purim, falling this year on February 28, is the most joyous festival of the Jewish year. The holiday is based on the breathtaking events of the book of Esther. It celebrates God’s miraculous deliverance of the Jews from a genocidal holocaust planned by…...

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The Unleavend Bread of Sincerity and Truth

The manifest fullness of Messiah’s rule and reign on earth is not without opposition. But as at the Passover exodus, God will use the enemy’s schemes to bring us to the place of His promise. He is taking us from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18) that we might live…...

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Prophetic Perspective on the News

Abounding shalom to you in whatever circumstances this letter finds you. As we write, Israel is on the miraculous brink of celebrating her 62nd birthday tomorrow. The Jewish State was officially re-born on May 14, 1948, the 6th of Iyar according to the Jewish lunar calendar, which falls this year…...

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Seed of the Woman, Seed of War

The phenomenon of anti-Semitism has puzzled Christians and nonChristians, Jews and non-Jews, sociologists and prophets alike for millennia. Why does the world persist in despising to death the Jewish nation, no matter what they do—or do not? The root of this ancient hatred traces all the way back to the…...

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Aligning with Israel: Countering De-Legitimization

The Jewish people say that through history, tides of anti-Semitism rise according to a recurrent pattern. First a nation, society or group declares, “You have no right to live among us as Jews.” Next it demands, “You have no right to live among us.” Finally what is decried is the…...

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New Year, New State?

There has been a recent flurry of diplomatic activity by the Palestinians aimed at securing international support for unilateral declaration of a state. But Palestinian President Abbas knows he cannot negotiate peace with Israel while Hamas controls Gaza and factions within Judea and Samaria. Will the Palestinian agenda to create…...

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