
Bein Hametzrim (Dire Straits) July 23 – August 14: Special Update

  The Arch of Titus located in Rome (photo below) proudly depicts the Romans’ destruction of the Second Temple on Tammuz 17, 70 AD, falling this year on July 23. Tammuz 17 marks the beginning of a 3 week period of spiritual and natural warfare called “Between the Straits” or…...

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More and More Nations are Liking Israel: Are there prophetic implications?

An amazing global trend seems to have been obscured, even to Christians, for many years. While social media and daily news headlines dutifully spew their anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric, more and more nations are actually liking Israel! Take just this week, for example. PM Netanyahu is presently receiving a warm…...

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Prophetic Messianic Mystery of Shavuot

The biblical Feast of Weeks (“Shavuot”) occurs on the 6th day of the Hebrew month of Sivan. Corresponding this year to June 12, the holiday is mandated in Leviticus 23:15-16: “From the day after the Sabbath [after Passover] … count off 7 full weeks. Count off 50 days up to…...

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Celebrating Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim) Today

    Today is Yom Yerushalayim, celebrated in Israel as a nationalist and religious holy day. Yom Yerushalaim marks the miraculously stunning return in 1967 of the City of Jerusalem to the Jewish people. The pinnacle of the 1967 Six Day War, Israel’s liberation of Jerusalem was one of those…...

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Israel Independance and Lag b’Omer Holidays – May 2016

  Surprising Mathematical Evidence in Scripture that Israel’s Re-gathering is From God? Check these prophecies! May 14 marked Israel’s 68th birthday as a sovereign, regathered Jewish state. Yet a growing number of Christian naysayers view Israeli statehood an unjust, strictly human endeavor. They do not attribute her existence to the…...

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  Yeshua’s post-Resurrection appearances and personal, revelatory teachings all took place during the Counting of the Omer. We can still anticipate, by grace, fresh revelation of God in this special, 50 day count. God commanded ancient Israel to count the omer, or measured sheaves of harvest, for each of the…...

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  I hope you’ve been enjoying my occasional blog articles. As we enter the new biblical year and spring feasts, Kerry and I want to share personally what God has been doing in our life. Toward the end of this post, we also write briefly about Passover and the Feast…...

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PASSOVER THEN AND NOW: Strange Parallels

  The back story to Passover is a mysterious one. Yet it seems strangely, even portentously relevant today. Exodus 1 recounts that after Jacob and his sons died in Egypt, the Israelites “became exceedingly numerous, so that the land was filled with them.” (v.7) The rabbis teach the ancient Hebrews…...

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Purim and Resurrection Week: Prophetic Parallels in This Year’s Rare Calendar Convergence

    This year, as Christians mark Holy Week to prepare for Resurrection Day, Jews celebrate Purim on March 24. Purim is based on the book of Esther. The merry festival recounts God’s victory over His enemies’ attempt to annihilate the Jews. Calendar convergence of the two holidays is quite…...

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Yesterday’s Jerusalem Marathon and a Brief Heavenly Encounter

Today was Jerusalem Marathon Day, an event that drew 30,000 runners and almost as many spectators. We learned a few days ago that our home was along the planned route, so we looked forward to watching out the window. I should have anticipated that in Israel, a marathon of this…...

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