Yesterday the United Nations voted an overwhelming 128-9 to condemn the United States’ recent recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. (Hours after that recognition, I took the photo you see of a rare rainbow over Jerusalem.) The subsequent UN vote just so happened to occur on December 21,…...
We Watched God Move in New Ways During the Fall Feasts: Good News from Zion
During the season of fall feasts that just ended, I believe we witnessed nothing less than Kingdom-shifting breakthroughs for the sake of world evangelization. It would not be inaccurate to say that a fresh wave of revival was released from Israel. The breakthrough and release are significant but subtle. Therefore,…...
Prophetic Outlook for Israel
Recently I was asked to compile a summary of prophetic words about Israel for this interval of time. The compilation, reprinted below, will be presented at an international, prophetic round table taking place this month. Please bear in mind that most or all matters described are conditional, depending to varying…...
Reaffirming the Decree for Israel’s Restoration: Reviving the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917
This week marks the anniversaries of two historic, global level declarations that released Kingdom of God transformation in the earth. Courageous words penned by Martin Luther changed the Church worldwide; those of Lord Arthur Balfour altered the course of Jewish history forever. You and I are privileged to run in…...
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Threatened Removal from Office and How to Pray
Headlines in the Israeli news this week were not about Palestinian terror, impending global or regional war, or Iranian pronouncements of destruction of the Jewish state. Instead, media and public attention focused on criminal corruption charges against Prime Minister Netanyahu, and to a lesser degree, his wife. After years of investigation, Israeli police have recommended the attorney general indict the prime minister in two separate matters of bribery and breach…...
Temple Mount Crisis is Escalating as Tisha b’Av Approaches: How to Pray
Earlier this week and just days before Tisha b’Av on August 1, Palestinians issued what could be interpreted as new declarations of war over Israel and the Temple Mount. While Palestinian rhetoric on the topic is nothing new, recent statements have escalated the longstanding controversy into what could be a…...
High Alert for Temple Mount Violence Expected Friday July 21 during “Between the Straits”
Israel Defense and Police Forces are preparing for mass violence and terror called for by some Palestinian leaders to begin moments from the time I now write. Attacks are threatened throughout Judea and Samaria, but especially on the Temple Mount. Tensions and skirmishes concerning the Temple Mount began last Friday…...
PRAYER ALERT: Israel Sponsoring Globalist Luciferian Festival on July 29, 2017
“Tomorrowland – Unite” is a globalist music festival scheduled to take place in Israel in the city of Rishon Lezion on July 29. Though we rarely make such allegations, we see this event as Luciferian-driven through a “strange fire” mixture of witchcraft promoting the worship of foreign gods. The date…...