“I am alert and active, watching over My Word to perform it.” (Jeremiah 1:12, Amplified Bible) The State of Israel will celebrate its 64th birthday on April 26. By law, Memorial Day is always observed the day before. Fallen soldiers are honored, as well as police and fire fighters whose…...
Tisha B’Av Repentance 2012
This weekend Jews around the world, and an increasing number of Christians, are reflecting with fasting and prayer on the historical tragedies that befall Israel on Tisha b’Av (the 9th day of the 5th month). Looking at current events, it’s unsettling to see the potential for tragedy on our watch. However, God…...
The Middle East: Winds of War and God’s Calendar
We hope this letter finds you in peace and joy, regardless of life’s ever-changing circumstances. Certainly the Middle East (“ME”) continues to undergo historic change. In this letter we offer an overview and analysis of how nations are prophetically shifting in the ME, and suggest key prayer points. Summer is…...
Levitical Feast of Shavuot–May 26-28, 2012
This weekend we celebrate the biblical feast of Shavuot (Weeks), gloriously fulfilled on Pentecost with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. According to rabbinic tradition, God gave Israel the law from Sinai on Shavuot, thus birthing her as a nation. On Pentecost, He birthed One New Humanity, the international Church…...