Current Events: Prophetic Views

Seed of the Woman, Seed of War

The phenomenon of anti-Semitism has puzzled Christians and nonChristians, Jews and non-Jews, sociologists and prophets alike for millennia. Why does the world persist in despising to death the Jewish nation, no matter what they do—or do not? The root of this ancient hatred traces all the way back to the…...

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Prophetic Perspectives and Prayer Points on News from Jerusalem – November 2, 2009

A New, Old Way to Pray As watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, we’re committed to watch and pray—and report to you who do likewise. However, a dilemma exists for many of us. In case you haven’t noticed, the media conveys mostly bad news, and most believers—including watchmen—are increasingly distressed…...

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Prophetic Perspectives and Prayer Points on News from Jerusalem – October 2, 2009

“Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those who hate Him flee before Him. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God; yes, let them rejoice exceedingly.” (Psalm 68: 1, 3) Global Warning This September, the Feast of Trumpets/New Year ushered in a simultaneous acceleration…...

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Restoration of Israel

Normally, we do not post our newsletters on our web site. However, because this particular letter contains important information about the relationship of Israel’s faithfulness to her possession of the land, we have decided to make it available online. Shalom Dear Friends, We agree with the writer of Hebrews about…...

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Israel at War: A Prophetic Perspective

“To everything there is a season,” says King Solomon with anointed wisdom. As we wrote back in February 2006, this is a season for war. (You can read “Israel, Hamas, Iran and the Body of Christ: A Time for War” archived on our website.) Yeshua’s followers have always, in a…...

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What is God Saying About Israel This Year?

Forty years ago, under a bright sunny sky, bullets and blood spilled upon the City of the Great King in an epic battle that would alter nations’ destinies. On June 7, 1967, a brigade of Israeli paratroopers descended not far from the Mount of Olives. Dodging snipers, the soldiers forged…...

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Israel’s Spiritual Climate Entering 2006

As most of you know, I spent part of December in Israel taking care of matters pertaining to our house of prayer and worship. It was an exhilarating time with the Lord, Who proved graciously present not only during times of dedicated ministry, but in the nitty-gritty of key relational…...

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