Tomorrow, January 8, is the Fast of Tevet 10 (“Asara b’Tevet”), marking the first day of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem that led to the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC. (2 Kings 25:1, Zechariah 8:19) The siege also led to Jewish exile from the Land. To this day,…...
How Hanukkah Empowers Us to Overcome the New anti-Israel Alignment this New Year
A day before Hanukkah, US President Obama brokered UN Security Council Resolution 2334, declaring that Judea and Samaria (including the Western Wall) belong to Palestine. The resolution puts in place putative legal groundwork, lacking until now, for dividing Israel into a Palestinian state. The exquisitely evil timing of the American…...
Arab-Israeli Reconciliation: Important New Stride
Last week we had the joy of participating in a reconciliation summit focused on healing spiritual wounds from the ancient breach between the two mothers Sarah and Hagar. Arab, Jewish and international prayer leaders came together in an amazing level of unity. We committed to surrender to the leadership of…...
Tomorrowland, Jerusalem’s Gay Parade and God’s Heart
With deep sorrow, we remind you that immediately before and after Tisha b’Av, Israel sponsored two events characterized by the Scriptures as abominable to God’s heart. The first was a globalist-driven, luciferian festival for young adults, featuring Hindu and other deities, called Tomorrowland. (We asked you to pray about Tomorrowland…...
More and More Nations are Liking Israel: Are there prophetic implications?
An amazing global trend seems to have been obscured, even to Christians, for many years. While social media and daily news headlines dutifully spew their anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric, more and more nations are actually liking Israel! Take just this week, for example. PM Netanyahu is presently receiving a warm…...
Israel Independance and Lag b’Omer Holidays – May 2016
Surprising Mathematical Evidence in Scripture that Israel’s Re-gathering is From God? Check these prophecies! May 14 marked Israel’s 68th birthday as a sovereign, regathered Jewish state. Yet a growing number of Christian naysayers view Israeli statehood an unjust, strictly human endeavor. They do not attribute her existence to the…...