Israeli Society

Call To Pray NOW: Iran!

We are sounding a critical call to pray now concerning Iran. According to official reports, by the end of this month (October 2021) Iran will have acquired enough enriched uranium with which to build a nuclear weapon. Iran has openly declared for many years its intent to “wipe Israel off…...

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IS THE NETANYAHU ERA OVER? How to Pray in a Time of Transition

Is the Netanyahu era coming to a close? Yesterday, after four elections in which he has been unable to form a solid coalition and secure his position as Prime Minister, Mr. Netanyahu and his right wing allies were dealt a severe blow in the Knesset. To understand the surprising events…...

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Celebrating the Miracle of Jerusalem: 53 Years

Tonight and tomorrow we celebrate Jerusalem Day (Yom Yerushalayim), marking 53 years since the city’s re-reunification in 1967. It is a joyful time of praise, thanksgiving and dancing in the streets. (Covid restrictions are relaxed.) So you might celebrate briefly with us, included below is the city’s beloved unofficial anthem,…...

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A New Year and A New Government Today

What could yesterday’s groundbreaking governmental shift in Israel–occurring on the biblical new year–signal to the nations? In yesterday’s sudden turnaround of events, Benjamin Netanyahu and Benjamin Gantz reached an agreement for a new unity government. It just so happened that yesterday was the first day of the first month (Nissan)…...

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Is God Mercifully Chastening His Beloved Israel? (Hebrews 12:6-7)

This week, a rather groundbreaking article in the Jerusalem Post argued that Messianic Jews are a key diplomatic asset to Israel and should be treated as such. We later learned the writer is an Israeli Messianic Jew who uses a pen name. Still, publication of this article in mainstream media…...

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Israeli Police Recommend Netanyahu Indictment: Scriptures and Prayer Points

A few days ago we woke up to read the sad headlines of our (still) daily delivered Israeli newspaper. Israeli Police have officially recommended to the Attorney General that Prime Minister Netanyahu be criminally prosecuted for breach of trust, fraud and bribery. Attorney General Mandelblit must now decide if the…...

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Saving Jewish Lives This Purim, March 1

Shalom as we approach the most joyful holiday of Purim! This is the time of year we have a unique, holy opportunity to bless needy Israelis with the gift of life. Purim is an especially appropriate time to join faith and finances, as one new humanity in Messiah, to save…...

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Preparing for 2018: “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

As 2017 dashes to an end, Israelis across the spectrum are concerned with what could soon be the end of another sort: the tenure of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. According to news reports, protracted investigations into three cases of possible bribery, breach of trust and corruption on the part of…...

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Comforting Zion: Hospitalized Children

This #Giving Tuesday and in time for Hanukkah, together we can bless hospitalized Jewish and Arab Israeli children suffering from painful injury or disease. Most of these precious little ones are being treated for cancer or are battling other serious, degenerative diseases. On #Giving Tuesday November 28, and for a…...

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Jubilee Anniversary of Israel’s Six Day War, June 5-10, 1967 and Reunified Jerusalem

Release God’s Prophetic Word on the 50th Anniversary of the Six Day War Join me in this 2 minute video on the Jubilee of Israel’s Six Day War (June 5-10, 1967). In that war, God miraculously restored biblical Judea and Samaria to the Jewish people. The Scriptures refer to Judea/Samaria…...

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