Biblical Feasts & Holidays

Passover: A Key to Peace Amid Birth Pains

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”(John 14:27) At this same season, Yeshua (Jesus) strengthened His disciples facing a fast changing world: “Peace I leave…...

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This Rosh HaShanah: A State of Palestine, A State of Prayer

Shalom from Jerusalem as we approach the Jewish New Year/Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana). As you know, this is an extremely critical month for Israel, the nations and the Church. Rather than address all the major current issues, our focus in this update is threefold: (1) to share a word…...

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Happy Feast of Tabernacles from Jerusalem

Today we celebrate Sukkot (Tabernacles), the most joyful of the seven biblical feasts (Leviticus 23:33-44). The mood here is festive as families gather throughout the city in small huts, eating, drinking and filling the streets of Jerusalem with songs of praise. A tangible reminder of God’s provision for us in…...

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The Overlooked Messianic Jewish Root of Christmas

A Messianic Jewish root to Christmas? I can almost hear some of you think aloud, “Impossible… an oxymoron … mishighas!” But I hope you’ll hear me out. If you do, I daresay you’ll be blessed with fresh insight and inspiration. The Messianic Jewish root to Christmas has nothing to do…...

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The Purim Iranian Threat

And happy Purim to each of you! Purim, falling this year on February 28, is the most joyous festival of the Jewish year. The holiday is based on the breathtaking events of the book of Esther. It celebrates God’s miraculous deliverance of the Jews from a genocidal holocaust planned by…...

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The Unleavend Bread of Sincerity and Truth

The manifest fullness of Messiah’s rule and reign on earth is not without opposition. But as at the Passover exodus, God will use the enemy’s schemes to bring us to the place of His promise. He is taking us from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18) that we might live…...

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The Feast of Lights: Hanukkah and Messiah’s Incarnation

Though most believers now agree that Jesus (Yeshua) was not born on December 25, those choosing to celebrate the Incarnation at this traditional time may not be far off. The best Scripture-based estimate of the timing of Messiah’s conception—and in that sense, incarnation—would be during the Hanukkah season. The implications…...

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Israel Celebrates Hanukkah

Nine-branch menorahs brighten the streets of Jerusalem. Freshly baked jelly donuts tantalizingly infuse the air. For the next few days, Jerusalem remembers Hanukkah. She recalls that time, so very long ago, when her sons and daughters overcame the spirit of the world by the Spirit of her God. As 2010…...

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Tisha B’Av and Standing Firm in Love

Tomorrow, July 30, Jewish people around the world will soberly commemorate Tisha b’Av, which simply translates, the 9th of Av. Av is the fifth month of the biblical calendar and generally corresponds to late July or early August. Tisha b’Av is of penetrating significance in the spirit realm and in…...

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