What Really is Lag b’Omer?

Tomorrow, May18-19, 2022, the annual holiday of Lag b’Omer will be celebrated in Israel. Lag b’Omer, which is neither directly nor indirectly referenced in the Bible, literally means the 33rd day of counting the omer. According to Jewish tradition, this minor festival commemorates an ancient mystical sage, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, and…...

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猶太人大屠殺紀念日: 從五個方面禱告


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COUNTING THE OMER: Israel’s Independence Day and Memorial Day

Blessings of the season to you as we commemorate an often overlooked, minor festival on God’s biblical calendar, Counting the Omer. Counting the Omer (in Hebrew, “Sefirat HaOmer”) lasts 49 days, beginning with the Sabbath of Passover. The 50th day is celebrated as the Feast of Weeks (in Hebrew, “Shavuot.”) During…...

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Holocaust Remembrance Day: Five Ways to Pray

“This I recall to mind; therefore, I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed because His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:21-23) Today, April 28, is a sober day in Israel as the nation observes Holocaust Remembrance Day (“Yom…...

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Preparing for Passover

Greetings of grace and peace to you today, April 1, at the start of Israel’s biblical new year! In Exodus 12:1-2, God sets apart the month of Nisan, corresponding usually to April, as the first month of the year for His covenant people. As we’ve shared in the past, the…...

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幫助有需要的以色列人 和 對抗反猶主義

以色列在射擊瞄準線上 在過去兩年來,以色列與世界上很多國家一樣經歷巨大震動。你們中間很多人為以色列不斷地代禱,我們猜想神應該也跟我們一起深受感動。 在大家禱告的同時,我們鼓勵你們繼續將焦點放在經文上: “弟兄們,我心裡熱切盼望,並替以色列人向神祈求。”(羅馬書10:1)這段經文與新約中馬太福音28:18-20 節中描述的大使命呼召,還有同在馬太福音6章9-13節描述的“禱告教導”互相應和。我們也鼓勵大家根據提摩太前書 2:2節來為以色列和你們國家掌權的人禱告。...

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Global Antisemitism and What You Can Do About It

Amnesty International is an international NGO consisting of 10 million members from dozens of nations. Since 1964 it has had special consultative status at the UN. This has allowed it to shape crucial developments — and unprecedented redefinitions — in the area of human rights. Two weeks ago, it issued…...

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這週的妥拉經文在2022年新年起始時預示着什麼呢? 從一個信彌賽亞的猶太人的觀點看關於新年的七個關鍵點

一千多年以來,虔誠的猶太人根據古時拉比制定的讀經順序,每週按照順序要讀一部分希伯來語聖經經文 (妥拉)。我們按照同樣順序讀經的同時,總是為這份歷史悠久的讀經表感到驚訝,因為神總是透過每週妥拉讀經的經文對我們所處的現況說話。這週的妥拉經文也不例外,它的內容充滿了對2022年的新年啟示,並告訴我們如何在這一年過一個得勝的生活。...

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What Might this Gregorian New Year’s Parasha Prophesy for 2022?

For over a thousand years, observant Jews have read through the Hebrew Bible according to a cycle of weekly Scripture portions laid out by our ancient rabbis. We are personally amazed at how often God speaks to our circumstances through the weekly portion (parasha) set in place so long ago.…...

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代禱的呼籲:關於伊朗! 請將這篇文章分享給你周圍的代禱者 2021年10月22日,珊朵拉 泰普林斯基 我們正在聽到併發出關於伊朗的緊急禱告呼籲。根據官方的報告,伊朗將在這個月的月底就獲得了足夠用於製造核武器的濃縮鈾。伊朗在這些年一直公開地宣告它要把“以色列從地圖上抹除”的企圖。以色列和伊朗長期以來一直進行着一場沒有公開的戰爭,也稱爲影子戰爭。以色列在當中試圖實質性地阻止伊朗的核計劃。但是,這場影子戰爭就要接近尾聲了。...

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