Spiritual Growth


  In the past few weeks of ministry, I have heard Israel-loving believers across America ask questions of themselves that I, too, am asking. “Is my short life on earth truly gladdening the heart of God and blessing His people?” Or, “Am I really letting Him shape me into the…...

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TEN DAYS OF AWE ALERT: What does the Bible say about the US striking Syria?

    In recent days, many have noted that the Hebrew Scriptures refer prophetically to the future of both Damascus and Assyria. But these references, to be honest, are oblique. Although the Bible does not seem to directly address the current crisis in Syria, I believe God’s Word does speak…...

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  The Alarm is Sounding The Feast of Trumpets foreshadows the heavenly trumpet heralding Messiah’s return (see 1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Thess. 4:16-17). It ushers in the Ten Days of Awe, a period of sober prayer and repentance, culminating on the Day of Atonement (September 14). It is a time…...

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A Visit to the Western Wall at the Start of “Elul”

  Yesterday marked the start of the sixth biblical month, now known as Elul. Traditional Jews believe that God draws intimately close to His people during Elul, offering special grace to repent. Interestingly, the letters which spell Elul are an acronym for the Hebrew, “I am my beloved’s and my…...

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2012 Prayer Points for Israel

Some Israelis discerned a divine message this Hanukkah in the unearthing of an amazing antiquity found near the Temple Mount. During the holiday, archeologists discovered a clay seal, dated from the approximate time of Yeshua’s ministry, with the words “Pure for God” written in Aramaic. “This felt like a Hanukkah…...

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Aligning with God’s Calendar: After the Resurrection

“Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32) Yesterday the Body of Messiah around the world celebrated the incomparable and triumphant majesty of His Resurrection. I love re-engaging each year with the glorious fulfillment of the…...

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Tisha B’Av Repentance 2012

This weekend Jews around the world, and an increasing number of Christians, are reflecting with fasting and prayer on the historical tragedies that befall Israel on Tisha b’Av (the 9th day of the 5th month).  Looking at current events, it’s unsettling to see the potential for tragedy on our watch. However, God…...

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Levitical Feast of Shavuot–May 26-28, 2012

This weekend we celebrate the biblical feast of Shavuot (Weeks), gloriously fulfilled on Pentecost with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. According to rabbinic tradition, God gave Israel the law from Sinai on Shavuot, thus birthing her as a nation. On Pentecost, He birthed One New Humanity, the international Church…...

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Passover: A Key to Peace Amid Birth Pains

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”(John 14:27) At this same season, Yeshua (Jesus) strengthened His disciples facing a fast changing world: “Peace I leave…...

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Israel Independence Day

“Whoever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Is a country born in one day? Is a nation brought forth all at once? For as soon as Zion went into labor, she brought forth her children.” (Isaiah 66:8, Complete Jewish Bible) Shalom Friends, Today is Independence…...

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