Spiritual Growth

Heaven’s Trumpet Will Soon Sound – and Most Jewish People Don’t Yet Know Messiah

  Heaven’s trumpet will soon sound…..and most Jewish people don’t yet know Messiah. If you think they won’t turn to Him until great tribulation hits, think again! Here’s what Israel is waiting for: Maturity of the Christian Church “I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers…...

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Who is the Israel of God and Offspring of Abraham? A Simple Key to Understanding Difficult Scriptures about Israel and One New Man

  [PERSONAL NOTE TO OUR BLOG SUBSCRIBERS: You may have noticed that my blog posts now overlap somewhat with Light of Zion’s Facebook page and also my weekly Reflections. My articles sometimes repeat as a byproduct of trying to make them accessible to all, including ministry friends not on social…...

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What to do About the Converging Tetrad Blood Moons, Shemitah and (Dis)Approval of the Iran Deal During the Coming Fall Feasts

  This article was originally written as a two part posting on Light of Zion’s Facebook page. Both Parts 1 and 2 are reprinted below. Part 1: The Convergence July 14, 2015 marked the exact midpoint of “Dire Straits,” Israel’s 3 week period of mourning, repentance and spiritual warfare. After…...

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Israel’s Land Promise in Light of the New Testament

  Not sure how to interpret Israel’s land promise in light of the New Covenant? Or how to respond to some Christians denying that promise still exists? Sadly, no lack of controversy surrounds the subject! And many important principles of Scripture interpretation come into play. But one often neglected key…...

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Remember this about Israel when you pray or serve on her behalf—and the news seems to go from bad to worse

  Ever need encouragement in your stance with Israel? You’d hardly be human if you didn’t. For example, here is a partial, short list of global events targeting Israel in the past several days, even as the prayers and labors of many continue on her behalf: (1) UN issues unbalanced…...

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What Might Standing With the Jewish People Cost You? What Might You Gain?

    This week (March 29-April 5) is known in the Christian world as Holy Week. It is a perfect time to mediate on Yeshua’s call to the cross, the way to life. “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow…...

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Passover’s Special Meaning for Christians

  On April 3-4, Jewish families in Israel and around the world will gather to recount the ancient, but never old, story of Passover. Younger generations will hear from their elders the miracle-packed narrative which, they will be told, should be heard as if they personally lived through those historical…...

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NEW! How to Pray for Israel: 31 Petitions & Proclamations for Each Day of the Month

  Want to know how to pray concisely and effectively for Israel throughout the year? Our new Prayer Guide offers 31 key petitions and Scripture proclamations for each day of the month and will be relevant for years to come. We know this tool will benefit and help many, so…...

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Why You Might Need This for the Rest of Your Life: The Sabbath

  This week’s Torah portion (Exodus 30:11-34:35) includes the blessed gift/command of Shabbat (Sabbath). Even for those whose Sabbath-rest is in Yeshua, I call it: GOD’S GAME CHANGER: SHABBAT SHALOM Deity delighting in creation, Hard-wired in earth’s DNA, Wresting a day to rest a day, In humanity’s heavenly hush. World…...

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After Netanyahu’s Speech: How history could change and how now to pray—6 more prayers in 6 minutes

  Three hours ago I watched Israeli prime minister Netanyahu risk his future in Israeli politics, and perhaps his life, in speaking to the US Congress. Was a “golden scepter” of favor extended to him as he walked into Congress’s legislative chamber to a wildly robust standing ovation—followed by approximately…...

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