
PRAYER ALERT: Israel Sponsoring Globalist Luciferian Festival on July 29, 2017

“Tomorrowland – Unite” is a globalist music festival scheduled to take place in Israel in the city of Rishon Lezion on July 29. Though we rarely make such allegations, we see this event as Luciferian-driven through a “strange fire” mixture of witchcraft promoting the worship of foreign gods. The date…...

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Why the most pro-Israel president in American history is not so pro-Israel as you may think – and how to pray

Like every American president in recent history, Donald Trump seems confident he can broker the ultimate deal between Israel and the Palestinian people. Problem is, unlike his predecessors, he might actually succeed. The other problem is, he might not. In either case Mr. Trump will be walking a political, military,…...

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Praying for Jerusalem in Her Jubilee Year

Psalm 122:6 says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” The rest of the psalm tells us how. (Translation used is the NIV.) v.1. I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” God wants us to pray for Jerusalem with joy. The…...

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Celebrating Passover as a Prophetic Intercessory Act

The biblical feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread are just days away, falling this year on April 10-17. Here in Jerusalem, holiday excitement is in the air.  Meticulous pre-Passover housecleaning is dwindling to its final sweep of leaven from homes and businesses. Shoppers scurry through streets in last minute preparation…...

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On Israeli Memorial and Independence Days (May 1 and 2, 2017): Does the Day of Jacob’s Trouble Lie Ahead?

This week we celebrate with thanksgiving the 69th anniversary of the re-gathered Jewish state. Israeli Independence Day always comes the day after Memorial Day, which honors fallen soldiers and terror victims. The unusual timing was intentionally set so that 24 hours of sorrow and mourning would be followed by joy…...

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Messianic Jewish Prayer from Israel for President Trump

It is said that former President John F. Kennedy once asked his Israeli counterpart how he could best support the young Jewish State. The answer given him was, “Be a great American president.” So we pray: “Father in Heaven, as Shabbat descends on Israel and America wakens to a new…...

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Another Sign God is in Control of Recent Political Warfare Against Israel

Tomorrow, January 8, is the Fast of Tevet 10 (“Asara b’Tevet”), marking the first day of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem that led to the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC. (2 Kings 25:1, Zechariah 8:19) The siege also led to Jewish exile from the Land. To this day,…...

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This Sunday, 72 nations are scheduled to gather in Paris to determine how Israeli land should be divided into a Palestinian state. As you can imagine or may already know, the meeting is of utmost significance. We cannot overstate its importance on a global or Kingdom level, nor can we…...

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How Hanukkah Empowers Us to Overcome the New anti-Israel Alignment this New Year

A day before Hanukkah, US President Obama brokered UN Security Council Resolution 2334, declaring that Judea and Samaria (including the Western Wall) belong to Palestine. The resolution puts in place putative legal groundwork, lacking until now, for dividing Israel into a Palestinian state. The exquisitely evil timing of the American…...

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Arab-Israeli Reconciliation: Important New Stride

Last week we had the joy of participating in a reconciliation summit focused on healing spiritual wounds from the ancient breach between the two mothers Sarah and Hagar. Arab, Jewish and international prayer leaders came together in an amazing level of unity. We committed to surrender to the leadership of…...

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