To all God’s people, lift your voice, Purim’s here; it’s time to rejoice! God’s faithfulness is still at hand To deliver us throughout the land....
Set Free: Hostage Israelis, Hostage American Values by Sandra Teplinsky
What a transformative two days have just taken place! Israel and Hamas are now in the initial phase of a hostage release and cease-fire deal. The United States is in the initial phase of a new presidential administration, one which aims to restore America to her Judeo-Christian foundation. Nations around…...
One Year After October 7, 2023 – A Messianic Israeli Reflection by Sandra Teplinsky
October 7, 2023 began as a lusciously lovely Saturday morning. I remember waking up to an azure blue sky, warm sunshine, song birds, and the sweet shalom that permeates Jerusalem every Shabbat. It was a special moed according to Leviticus 23:36, the Eighth Day of Assembly, observed every year on…...
Yom Kippur 2024/5785: The Blessing and the Curse by Sandra Teplinsky
Yom Kippur, occurring tonight on October 11-12, is a biblical feast full of rich, prophetic significance. It points magnificently to the ministry of Yeshua in both His first and second comings. It marks a day of blessing–and cursing. Yom Kippur literally translates to “Day of Covering” but is commonly known…...