Current Events: Prophetic Views

On Israeli Memorial and Independence Days (May 1 and 2, 2017): Does the Day of Jacob’s Trouble Lie Ahead?

This week we celebrate with thanksgiving the 69th anniversary of the re-gathered Jewish state. Israeli Independence Day always comes the day after Memorial Day, which honors fallen soldiers and terror victims. The unusual timing was intentionally set so that 24 hours of sorrow and mourning would be followed by joy…...

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The US Embassy is not in Jerusalem for these Historical Reasons – and Other Nations Followed

When the State of Israel was re-established in 1948, its borders were based on the UN Partition Plan of 1947. That plan divided land which had been legally set aside for a Jewish state into two states: one Jewish and one Arab. It also set Jerusalem aside as a separate…...

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Messianic Jewish Prayer from Israel for President Trump

It is said that former President John F. Kennedy once asked his Israeli counterpart how he could best support the young Jewish State. The answer given him was, “Be a great American president.” So we pray: “Father in Heaven, as Shabbat descends on Israel and America wakens to a new…...

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Another Sign God is in Control of Recent Political Warfare Against Israel

Tomorrow, January 8, is the Fast of Tevet 10 (“Asara b’Tevet”), marking the first day of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem that led to the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC. (2 Kings 25:1, Zechariah 8:19) The siege also led to Jewish exile from the Land. To this day,…...

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This Sunday, 72 nations are scheduled to gather in Paris to determine how Israeli land should be divided into a Palestinian state. As you can imagine or may already know, the meeting is of utmost significance. We cannot overstate its importance on a global or Kingdom level, nor can we…...

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UN Resolution on the Temple Mount: A Prophetically Laughing Matter

On October 16, 2016 UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) passed a resolution dismissing any Jewish or Christian ties to the Temple Mount – past, present or future – in favor of Muslim/Palestinian claims. The UNESCO vote was part of the broader lawfare campaign being waged against Israel by…...

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Deeper Meanings of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

Traditionally called the season of our joy, Sukkot begins in Israel tonight, on Tishrei 15. Despite the ongoing trials of life, the nation takes a full week to rejoice in God’s goodness, as Deuteronomy16:13 commands. Then it emerges strengthened by His joy. What a message to the world – and…...

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Tu b’Av: the Jewish Holiday of Love (August 19, 2016)

  Tu b’Av (translated, 15th [day of the month] of Av) is known as the holiday of love. It is not a Levitical feast, nor is it directly referenced in the Scriptures. There are, however, interesting biblical associations with this historical celebration. Tu b’Av falls this year on August 19,…...

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Tisha b’Av: Mourning Destruction of the Temple in Light of a “New and Living Way”

  The Jewish observance of Tisha b’Av (translated “9th day of [the month of] Av”) falls this year on August 13-14.  Marked by fasting, prayer and Scripture readings, Tisha b’Av is considered the saddest day of the year. This is because on precisely Av 9, devastating calamities have befallen the…...

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Tomorrowland, Jerusalem’s Gay Parade and God’s Heart

With deep sorrow, we remind you that immediately before and after Tisha b’Av, Israel sponsored two events characterized by the Scriptures as abominable to God’s heart. The first was a globalist-driven, luciferian festival for young adults, featuring Hindu and other deities, called Tomorrowland. (We asked you to pray about Tomorrowland…...

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