Biblical Feasts & Holidays

Happy Passover and Resurrection Day

  Rejoicing with you at this season that Messiah Yeshua—glorious God as mere Man—redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (Galatians 3:13). What amazing love of the Father that in Yeshua you and I should be called the children of God! His mercies…...

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Happy Purim from Sandy in Israel

  A long time has passed since my last blog article of substance. At the start of 2014, the board of directors of Light of Zion prayerfully decided my overall health was such that I needed to take a medical leave of absence for a year. Decades of intense ministry,…...

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THE MYSTERY OF THE MESSIAH TREE: A Christmas Season Meditation

  To everyone who prayed for my hand surgery last week, deep down thanks! The operation went well. I trust God for total healing and can already type for short periods. And so with only three weeks left till Christmas, I hope you’ll be inspired by this short meditation. Seven…...

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Purim 2013 – Overcoming the Orphan Spirit

“Celebrate yearly the 14th and 15th days of the month of Adar, as the days on which the Jews had rest from their enemies, as the month which was turned from sorrow to joy.” (Esther 9:21) Purim celebrates God’s miraculous rescue of the Jewish people when an evil enemy attempted…...

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Passover Message: I AM

“Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.'” (Exodus 3:14) Heralding the Passover exodus that would change the world, God appeared to Moses and dramatically revealed His personal name, I AM. As you probably know, names in the Bible are very important.…...

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The New Moon

Happy Rosh Chodesh, everyone! If you know what I’m referring to, you probably also know this post is a few days late. Rosh Chodesh is Hebrew for “Head of the Month” or New Month. It is also known as the New Moon because the biblical calendar is lunar based. The…...

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  Let’s be honest: times are tough. Those who stand for biblical values are increasingly persecuted. But light shines brightest when times are darkest. The Creator doesn’t want us hiding our lights under bushels. That’s not what the original Hanukkah warriors, the Jewish Maccabees, did in their day. So this…...

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The Jewish People and the Philippines, Iran, America and the Pope

  How the Philippines Blessed the Jews The Philippines was one of the few places on earth where Nazi hunted European Jews could find sanctuary during World War II. We encourage you to pray for and send aid to this now hurricane ravaged region. To learn the untold story of…...

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Happy Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) 5774 from Israel

Sukkot is the most joyful of all the biblical feasts and, relieved for now of the Syria threat, Israelis are in a happy mood. Everything about Sukkot reflects God’s faithful, near Presence. The Torah reading (Parasha) for the week of Sukkot includes these encouraging verses from Exodus 33: “My Presence…...

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  The Alarm is Sounding The Feast of Trumpets foreshadows the heavenly trumpet heralding Messiah’s return (see 1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1 Thess. 4:16-17). It ushers in the Ten Days of Awe, a period of sober prayer and repentance, culminating on the Day of Atonement (September 14). It is a time…...

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