Insights from Israel in Time of War by Sandra Teplinsky

Years ago, a well-known worship song was written and called, “Just Give Me Jesus.” As I (Sandra) begin this letter to you, my heart is stirred to just give you Jesus – or at least more of Him – in the paragraphs that follow. In these days of Israel’s dire…...

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Why Do Some People Say Hamas Is Winning? by Kerry Teplinsky

I (Kerry) have often wondered, since October 7, 2023, how Hamas thought their heinous invasion of Israel was going to play out and what they expected to accomplish. Even though they badly misunderstand the God of Israel who strengthens His people, they clearly could not have thought that 3000 terrorists…...

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Tonight is Yom HaShoah by Sandra Teplinsky

“Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her;  rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her.” (Isaiah 66:10) Yom HaShoah Yom HaShoah, Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day, begins tonight, the 27th day of the month of Nisan, corresponding to May 5-6, 2024. This year’s…...

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Yeshua in the Omer Count by Sandra Teplinsky

With Passover having just been observed, we hope you’re now enjoying the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread. Personally, we find the feasts are especially meaningful this year despite–or perhaps because of–perilous events impacting Jews everywhere. Unleavened Bread and First Fruits Scripture seems more real and alive than ever as…...

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我們處在一個令人難以想像的反猶世界,再加上眼前伊朗發動無人機飛彈攻擊以色列的危機,因此,我們對你们的感激溢於言表,你们是我们在世界各地的代祷的家人。50年前當我們決定跟隨耶穌的時候,做夢都想不到在有生之年,耶穌會造就安排全世界追隨祂的信徒成為一個如此美好的新造之人的連結。因此, 儘管面對當前的震撼,我們依然為你們祝福,並藉著和逾越節相關的啓示來傳遞神對你個人發出的源源不絕的愛。...

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This Passover: God’s Limitless Love for the Gentiles by Sandra Teplinsky

In a world that is almost unimaginably anti-Semitic, and on the heels of Iran’s aerial assault a few days ago, we cannot overstate how grateful we are for our praying, extended family in the nations. As we thank God for His gracious protection of Israel, we know Christian intercession is…...

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超自然的普珥節的見證 作者:桑德拉‧特普林斯基


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與我們的國王的相遇 作者:桑德拉‧特普林斯基


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An Extraordinary Purim Testimony by Sandra Tepliinsky

Based on the book of Esther, the holiday of Purim is always a meaningful time for observant Jews, especially here in Israel. This year, however, it proved to be extraordinary–at least for some of us followers of Messiah. Allow me to share a very personal testimony. Visiting the Massacre Memorial…...

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