To all who care about Israel: Your prayers this week and next are important! Israelis head to the polls March 17 to elect their next prime minister. Sadly, the current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has become the most hated prime minister in Israel’s modern history. If the election were…...
Why You Might Need This for the Rest of Your Life: The Sabbath
This week’s Torah portion (Exodus 30:11-34:35) includes the blessed gift/command of Shabbat (Sabbath). Even for those whose Sabbath-rest is in Yeshua, I call it: GOD’S GAME CHANGER: SHABBAT SHALOM Deity delighting in creation, Hard-wired in earth’s DNA, Wresting a day to rest a day, In humanity’s heavenly hush. World…...
After Netanyahu’s Speech: How history could change and how now to pray—6 more prayers in 6 minutes
Three hours ago I watched Israeli prime minister Netanyahu risk his future in Israeli politics, and perhaps his life, in speaking to the US Congress. Was a “golden scepter” of favor extended to him as he walked into Congress’s legislative chamber to a wildly robust standing ovation—followed by approximately…...
Why Israelis are Hesitant to Re-elect Netanyahu: Israel Today
Nineteen years ago, when Benjamin Netanyahu first became Israel’s prime minister, the peace process with the Palestinians dominated the national elections. There were other issues of importance, but all else paled in comparison…. Two decades later the situation looks much different to voters as they head to the polls…...
Announcing the Launch of FIRM (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries)
As darkness increases in the earth, so does the glory of God. On February 4-6 in Denver, an Israel Summit conference will launch a new organization called FIRM. The organization networks Christian and Messianic Jewish Israel related ministries around the world as a “one new man” voice and support…...