
PASSOVER AND THE ENDTIMES: Deeper Meanings and Blessings of Passover

The joyful feast of Passover (Pesach) will be celebrated March 27. Many believers have come to understand that Passover foreshadows the Crucifixion of the Lamb of God, Yeshua our Messiah. What is less commonly known, however, is that Passover also serves as a type of blueprint for understanding the endtimes…...

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Happy New Year

At the start of a Gregorian new year, the Lord often shares with me a single word to summarize what He desires to highlight in my life and ministry in the upcoming 12 months. The word has always been relevant to the larger Body of Messiah. You might recall that…...

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This Hanukkah, What Would the Maccabees Say to Us?

This week we welcome the radiance of Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication described in John 10:22. Annually, Hanukkah casts its faithful glow of heaven’s life-light into our hearts. It reminds us that no darkness can or will extinguish the fire of God’s covenant love. That love burns eternally for you,…...

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A Season of Revelation – Counting the Omer

Blessings tonight on Second Passover and Day 28 of the Omer Count! Second Passover (Pesach Sheni) occurs on the biblical date of Iyar 13-14, corresponding this year to May 7-8. According to Numbers 9:6-13, Pesach Sheni was offered to those few Israelites who were unable to celebrate Passover at the…...

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A Navigational Assist from Jewish History for Tumultuous Times

According to the little book of Scripture called by his name, Habakkuk ministered several decades before the Israelite exile into Babylon. He is known as a prophet, but he was also a watchman and an intercessor. He was faithful and true to his God – but he was discouraged. Habakkuk:…...

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How Shall We Pray Concerning President Trump’s Peace Plan?

A wholehearted thanks to each of you who prayed with us this month according to the specific, daily prayers we shared in our emails. Like the biblical character Ruth, may you be richly rewarded by the God of Israel, under whose wings you abide with much favor. This week we…...

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Meditations for Each Day of Sukkot  

We hope you are blessed through this special devotional for Sukkot, October 13-21, 2019/5780. Day 1: Why Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)? God graciously gives us the feast of Sukkot so “that your generations may know that I made the people of Israel to dwell in booths [sukkot] when I brought…...

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Engage with Yeshua this Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, will be observed this year Tuesday evening through Wednesday evening, October 8-9. God commissioned Israel’s high priest on this most holy day to provide for the atonement of His people’s sins. For followers of Yeshua, who according to 1 Peter 2:9 are a royal…...

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Passover – Resurrection Transition: Israel’s Government Will be on His Shoulders

Israeli politics have drawn world attention this week. The votes have been counted and many are congratulating Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party for his record-setting 5th term as Prime Minister. In fact, however, Mr. Netanyahu has not been appointed prime minister—as least not yet. We write this article to…...

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“I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory.” (Haggai 2:6-7) We’re getting a second chance. How will we respond? You probably…...

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