The traditional Jewish New Year, Rosh HaShana, comes in two days and inaugurates the year 5776. Could the holiday hold any special meaning for Christians, based on this year’s combination of numbers and letters? Rosh HaShana is described in the Bible as a day for Israel to blow trumpets.…...
Israel’s Land Promise in Light of the New Testament
Not sure how to interpret Israel’s land promise in light of the New Covenant? Or how to respond to some Christians denying that promise still exists? Sadly, no lack of controversy surrounds the subject! And many important principles of Scripture interpretation come into play. But one often neglected key…...
Passover’s Special Meaning for Christians
On April 3-4, Jewish families in Israel and around the world will gather to recount the ancient, but never old, story of Passover. Younger generations will hear from their elders the miracle-packed narrative which, they will be told, should be heard as if they personally lived through those historical…...