Palestinian Conflict


  A groundbreaking”Israeli Christians: Breaking Free” conference was held last month in Nazareth. A small minority of Arabic Christians acknowledged the Jewish roots of their faith, denounced the false narrative that Israel stole their land, and stated firm support for the Jewish state. An Israeli secular reporter wrote, “The word…...

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  Thanks to each of you who prayed for my trip to Israel last week. In a word, it was amazing. Those at the conference and prayer gatherings were humbly receptive and the Holy Spirit’s presence was profound. More than a few said they experienced life-changing encounters with Him. A…...

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Syrian Rebels and Israel in the Cross-hairs: How to Pray I trust you’re aware by now of the serious potential for regional war to soon occur in the Middle East. While Western nations plot their response to the tragic gassing of civilians in Syria, Syria threatens to retaliate for any…...

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Israel: A Model of True Democracy?

  By Kerry and Sandra Teplinsky In an era of eroding democracy around the world, might Israel soon prove to be one of the few genuine democracies left in the world? It is hard to dispute that democracy as we’ve known it for hundreds of years is changing. Take as…...

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  Resumed Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Today Prime Minister Netanyahu issued a lengthy statement to the Israeli public. In it, he said we will again resume negotiations with Palestinians for the creation of their sovereign state. This action is in response to US induced diplomacy. As a first step, Israel will release…...

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2012 Prayer Points for Israel

Some Israelis discerned a divine message this Hanukkah in the unearthing of an amazing antiquity found near the Temple Mount. During the holiday, archeologists discovered a clay seal, dated from the approximate time of Yeshua’s ministry, with the words “Pure for God” written in Aramaic. “This felt like a Hanukkah…...

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Purim, the Prince of Persia and Iran

“…Celebrate yearly the 14th and 15th days of the month of Adar, as the days on which the Jews had rest from their enemies, as the month which was turned from sorrow to joy.” (Esther 9:21) The holiday of Purim, based on the book of Esther, falls this year on March…...

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The Middle East: Winds of War and God’s Calendar

We hope this letter finds you in peace and joy, regardless of life’s ever-changing circumstances. Certainly the Middle East (“ME”) continues to undergo historic change. In this letter we offer an overview and analysis of how nations are prophetically shifting in the ME, and suggest key prayer points. Summer is…...

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“Zion for Whom Nobody Cares” – Jeremiah 30:17

Renewed Terror: Impending War? The past two months have seen a renewed wave of terror in the Jewish State. A few days ago, Gazans fired an anti-tank missile – a weapon of warfare designed to penetrate armored tanks – at a children’s school bus in Israel, causing serious injury. This…...

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Passover: A Key to Peace Amid Birth Pains

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”(John 14:27) At this same season, Yeshua (Jesus) strengthened His disciples facing a fast changing world: “Peace I leave…...

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