One New Man

NEW! How to Pray for Israel: 31 Petitions & Proclamations for Each Day of the Month

  Want to know how to pray concisely and effectively for Israel throughout the year? Our new Prayer Guide offers 31 key petitions and Scripture proclamations for each day of the month and will be relevant for years to come. We know this tool will benefit and help many, so…...

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Announcing the Launch of FIRM (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries)

  As darkness increases in the earth, so does the glory of God. On February 4-6 in Denver, an Israel Summit conference will launch a new organization called FIRM. The organization networks Christian and Messianic Jewish Israel related ministries around the world as a “one new man” voice and support…...

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Hanukkah/Christmas Greetings & Update

  Shalom Friends, At this Hanukkah and Christmas season Kerry and I pray you’ll be blessed with the intimate and abiding peace of the Prince of Peace, Yeshua the Light of the World. Stepping into 2015 surrendered to Him, whatever our circumstances and those of the world, we can be…...

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Happy Purim from Sandy in Israel

  A long time has passed since my last blog article of substance. At the start of 2014, the board of directors of Light of Zion prayerfully decided my overall health was such that I needed to take a medical leave of absence for a year. Decades of intense ministry,…...

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  “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” George Santayana Are you confused by today’s new replacement theology? Do you want to articulate a response to those who embrace it? Due to the number of questions I’ve received on the topic, this article goes into…...

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  A groundbreaking”Israeli Christians: Breaking Free” conference was held last month in Nazareth. A small minority of Arabic Christians acknowledged the Jewish roots of their faith, denounced the false narrative that Israel stole their land, and stated firm support for the Jewish state. An Israeli secular reporter wrote, “The word…...

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  Thanks to each of you who prayed for my trip to Israel last week. In a word, it was amazing. Those at the conference and prayer gatherings were humbly receptive and the Holy Spirit’s presence was profound. More than a few said they experienced life-changing encounters with Him. A…...

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Israel’s Messianic Jews at Rosh HaShanah 5774

  “…Come from the four winds, O breath…” (Ezekiel 37:9) I’ve watched and prayed over the Israeli Messianic community for more than 30 years. My first time in the land in 1982, I could find only a couple hundred struggling believers scattered across the land. But in 2013 I see…...

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2012 Prayer Points for Israel

Some Israelis discerned a divine message this Hanukkah in the unearthing of an amazing antiquity found near the Temple Mount. During the holiday, archeologists discovered a clay seal, dated from the approximate time of Yeshua’s ministry, with the words “Pure for God” written in Aramaic. “This felt like a Hanukkah…...

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Israel Independence Day

“Whoever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Is a country born in one day? Is a nation brought forth all at once? For as soon as Zion went into labor, she brought forth her children.” (Isaiah 66:8, Complete Jewish Bible) Shalom Friends, Today is Independence…...

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