Israel at War October 7, 2023 – 2025
Pray With Us On ZOOM
We are serving as a prayer hub for the Global Esther Fast for Israel. We welcome Christian believers from all nations who love Israel to join us for focused prayer on ZOOM on the first Shabbat (Saturday) of every Gregorian month of the year. Write us at [email protected] for details.
How to Pray for Israel at War
Donate To Our War Relief Fund
We are co-laboring with other Messianic Israeli ministries to pool resources in war relief efforts to provide housing and other essentials for refugees and evacuees, supplies to soldiers, meals and medical equipment, refurbishing of bomb shelters and much more. Click here to donate. Be sure to indicate “War Relief.” Thank you.
- God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s season of war will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. Praise is a powerful weapon! May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
- Turning Hearts to God. Pray that in this time of deep trouble, many Israelis, Palestinians, Jews in the nations, and others affected by the wars would turn wholeheartedly to God. Many already are! Pray that the true face and heart of Jesus would be revealed to them. Through the ravages of war, may He be sought, known and exalted in Israel and the Middle East. Pray for nationwide healing of hearts from the trauma and devastation of prolonged terror and war. Ask God to protect and anoint Messianic and Arab believers in Israel and the Middle East, renewing them in Messiah’s love and strengthening them daily in the Spirit. Ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers for the harvest in Israel and the Middle East. (2 Peter 3:9, Psalms 27 and 23, Zechariah 12:10, Matthew 9:38)
- Pray for Our Enemies Prayerfully declare Psalm 83 for supernatural defense against all forms of Islamist terror and military invasion. Pray according to Psalm 149:6-9 that God’s judgment be executed on Iran and its proxy terror groups dedicated to Israel’s destruction. Petition heaven for an implosion or successful, internal revolt of Iranians against their evil regime. Pray that Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and other Islamist terror groups (HTS, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, etc.) will be neutralized to set Palestinians, Israelis and others free from jihadist death regimes. Pray for merciful protection on innocent civilians and heaven’s war strategies. According to Zechariah 9:5-7, prayerfully proclaim in faith that “Gaza will lose her king, [that God] will cut off the pride of the Philistines, … and take the blood from their mouths [so] those who are left will belong to our God.” According to Jeremiah 49:34-39, prayerfully proclaim that God will “break the bow of Elam [modern-day Iran], the mainstay of their might” and “set His throne in Elam.” According to Psalm 29:5, prayerfully proclaim, “The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars [symbol of lofty strength]; the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon [Hezbollah].” Ask Him to reveal and give wisdom to Israel and other nations to implement heaven’s plans and will for a post-war government in Gaza. (Matthew 5:44, Amos 1:6-8, Daniel 2:21, Jeremiah 51:20-24, Psalms 27, 91, 2 and many more) PRAY FOR DIVINE BLUEPRINTS AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION FOR THE DISMANTLING OF HAMAS; THE REBUILDING OF GAZA, LEBANON AND SYRIA; AND GOD’S ORDAINED EXTENSION OF THE ABRAHAM AND OTHER PEACE ACCORDS.
- Israeli Authorities. Pray that Prime Minister Netanyahu and every Israeli leader will remain in office for as long as God wants him or her serving in that office. Ask Him to prepare, raise up and anoint governing authorities who trust in Him when the terms of our current leaders are over. Pray for the gift of the fear of the Lord on each current leader, for divine wisdom, godly counsel, supernatural protection on all levels, daily renewed strength and strategic direction. Pray especially for Prime Minister Netanyahu and our war cabinet. Pray they will receive accurate and supernatural intelligence to know what Israel should do, and when and how to do it. Ask God for wisdom regarding the tens of thousands of displaced Israelis evacuated from their homes months ago, from both the north and south of the country. Pray that our leaders will know how to prepare the country for a likely full scale war with Hezbollah, as widespread, even devastating, Israeli casualties are expected to result. (1 Timothy 2:1-4, Daniel 2:21, Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 9:10-11, 21:1, Psalm 91, 1 Chronicles 12:32)
- Unity. Pray for unity for the healing of the serious, internal disunity that has impacted Israeli society, politics and government leaders in recent years. Ask God to graciously convict us to forgive and love one another. May He neutralize demonic influences that stir up or finance hateful, civil protests by Israelis against our own government. Pray for unity among our governing leaders, especially our emergency war cabinet. Petition heaven to raise up authorities who will inspire the nation afresh according to God’s ways. Ask Him for peacemakers in Israel and the Middle East who fear His Name. Bless and pray for increasing unity in the Israeli ekklesia. (Matthew 12:25, Psalm 133, Malachi 2:10, Colossians 3:14)
- Hostages. Pray for the quick release of our hostages from Gaza. (Psalm 85:1, 14:7; Jeremiah 33:7) Pray for great grace to be showered upon them. Petition for their salvation, protection, strength, comfort, endurance, health and healing. Pray patient endurance upon their families. Ask the Healer of Heaven for wraparound comfort and healing on the whole nation, as every Israeli has either lost someone they know since October 7, or is grieving with those who grieve. May any further ceasefire deals for the release of hostages in exchange for the release of terrorists from Israeli jails be just and righteous according to godly wisdom, and not the product of unsanctified mercy or appeasement. (1 Samuel 30:11-19; Psalm 23, Jeremiah 30:12 and 17, Zechariah 9:11-12)
- Soldiers. According to Ezekiel 37:10, and although we do not delight in war, God is restoring Israel in these last days as an “exceedingly great army.” Pray, therefore, for daily, supernaturally renewed strength, alertness and watchfulness, battalions of angelic protection, precise and accurate intelligence, and anointing for effectiveness on each of our soldiers, military leaders and officials, security officers, police and first responders, and defense system technologies. Lift up the hundreds of Messianic soldiers in our armed forces, that the light of Yeshua would shine through them onto their fellow warriors. Ask God to help our troops avoid making mistakes that would harm innocent civilians or other Israeli soldiers. Pray for increased effectiveness to swiftly carry out all needed operations and overtake all ground held by the enemy. Pray for healing and restoration of the hundreds of wounded soldiers and their families. Pray for protection, strength, unity and anointing on Israeli warriors in the Spirit, Messianic Jewish and Arab Christian intercessors in the land. (Psalms 18 and 91)
- Scope of War. Pray that the scope and duration of Israel’s multi-front wars will be limited, by the power of the Blood of Yeshua and His sovereign kingship, according to His will. May it not result in a world war out of God’s timing. Pray that Israel prepare as much as possible for a likely war with Iran, as widespread, even devastating, Israeli casualties could result. Pray for the uprooting of terror nests in Judea and Samaria, including East Jerusalem. Pray that US involvement and decisions made by President Trump will be led of the Lord and reflect His time to favor Zion. Petition the same concerning other nations who supply Israel with military aid. In connection with Israel’s wars, may new and godly, international alliances form according to His will. (Daniel 2:21, Proverb 21:1, Psalms 2, 46, 102:13) No World War III until (or if) God’s decree.
- Media War and Lawfare. Ask God to restore the love for truth that once characterized humankind. Pray for the exposure and uprooting of outrageous and hateful lies about Israel and the Jews which are reported daily in nearly all mainstream and social media, including some Christian media outlets. Bless media outlets that are reporting truth. Pray for their protection and for an increase in their reach and effectiveness. Petition heaven for mercy toward Israel in the profound lawfare she faces in global bodies such as the United Nations and International Court of Justice. (Lawfare is the disingenuous changing of traditional and usually democratic, Judeo-Christian based laws in order to bring about major political changes that will reflect values contrary to current and traditional laws.) (Psalm 144:11, Exodus 20:16, Psalm 27:12-13, Genesis 12:3)
- Spiritual Warfare. Pray the power of the Blood of Yeshua and Word of Truth over ongoing influences of witchcraft, occult manipulations, globalist influences and other supernaturally evil forces coming against Israel. Pray especially that our governing leaders, our military and the interceding Israeli Body of Messiah will be protected from powers of darkness. Beseech God to dismantle occult shields of protection over head leaders and operatives of Iran and other Islamist regimes. Pray that Israelis, especially young people, will forsake and repent of the worship of false gods that invites witchcraft into the country in spiritual realms. Worship and praise the Lord for His victory, as these are powerful weapons against demonic activity. (Ephesians 6:12, Numbers 23:23, Zechariah 9:13)
- Global Anti-Semitism. As led by the Spirit, repent on behalf of your nation or community for anti-Semitism. Beseech God to break the murderous spirit of Jew hatred roiling in the nations, including many churches who adhere to replacement theology. Pray especially for the turning of hearts of young people exposed to genocidal anti-Semitism on college campuses and social media. Pray that international leaders at all levels and spheres of authority, especially in democratic nations, will courageously restrain incitement against Jewish students, Jews everywhere and Israel. Bless those leaders who speak out and stand up for the Jews. Pray protection over Jewish people in your nation. At the same time, ask God to use mounting anti-Semitism to encourage aliyah among Jews not yet living in Israel. (Genesis 12:3, Obadiah 10:12, 15, Hosea 11:10)
- Global Ekklesia. Pray for the global Body of Messiah to stand firm in the love and truth of God’s Word in support of Israel, while also carrying His heart for Palestinians, Iranians and others at enmity with the Jews. Ask Him to raise up and bless an army of intercessors around the world who will fast and pray for Israel. Petition Him for direction and wisdom for Christians in the nations to courageously stand up against anti-Semitism in practical, effective ways. Pray for revival in the Church and awakening of nonbelievers, the only true antidote to the hate and anti-Semitism. Last but not least, thank God for answering your prayers! (Matthew 5:14-16, Revelation 12:11, Matthew 25:31-40, Psalm 100:4)
Why is Israel at War?
Sandra’s books explain in detail the spiritual-religious, historical, political and sociological reasons why Israel is at war. Most are available for free download here.
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December 8, 2024 “These are the Days of Ezekiel” by Sandra Teplinsky
We are regularly asked to share details with Christian friends in the nations about what is happening in Israel, often for the purposes of prayer. We love helping keep the international Body of Messiah informed as to how they might understand and bless the Jewish state. In this post we share with you what we perceive to be among the most critical issues currently facing our country. As you know, however, “facts” reported about Israel are not only highly complex, but often hotly contested. Israeli commentators and journalists, however skilled, and even if they/we are believers, sometimes have very different perspectives on those same “facts”.
Because accurate details about events impacting Israel can sometimes be hard or impossible to unearth or verify, we urge you to keep in mind and heart the broad biblical overview of what God is doing with the Jewish people. If we keep in focus the general trajectory of His redemptive plans, our views and prayers will regularly re-calibrate to His Word, even when we lack detailed knowledge of rapidly changing, multi-nuanced circumstances.
First and foremost, God’s chief desire for Israel is that she be saved (Romans 10:1). A prerequisite to her salvation is Gentile believers provoking the Jewish people to jealousy for their Messiah (Romans 11:11). This happens through the fullness of the Gentiles, which can be broadly understood as the Gentile Church being full of God’s Spirit (Romans 11:25-26).
Secondly, in these last days, the Jewish people are being restored to the Land and to the Lord (saved) according to the broad strokes outline of Ezekiel Chapters 36 through 39. This lengthy prophetic passage describes aliyah (immigration to Israel) and a type of resurrection from the dead. The end result is Israel turning to God on a national level.
In Ezekiel 37:1-14, God breathes on dry Jewish bones to form an “exceedingly great army” (KJV). He does not describe Israel as a great nation or people, but as an army. This can be difficult for some Christians with pacifist leanings to understand. But God knew Israel was going to have to fight from the start just to stay alive.
For perspective, recall that when YHVH delivered the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt, He described them as a tsava (Exodus 12:41, 51). Tsava is a Hebrew word meaning military outfit or army. It is sometimes translated in English as “hosts.” (You may be familiar with the phrase Adonai Tsivaot, referring to God as Commander of Angel Armies or Heavenly Hosts.)
From the day Israel first became a nation, she faced strong military opposition, beginning but not ending with Pharaoh’s armies. Reborn as a nation in 1948, she faced a similar scenario. Within hours of declaring independence, the fledgling Jewish state was attacked by armies from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Yemen—decades before she allegedly occupied or oppressed anyone. Since then, military contention against her has not ceased, especially in the form of terror. Little wonder that God resurrected her as an “exceedingly great army.”
Ezekiel 38 through 39 speaks of nations contending against Israel’s last days’ restoration and invading her land. Eventually, their collective military campaign against her is such that God Himself defends Israel, and miraculously so. He executes judgment on her enemies, which He sees as being at enmity with Him (Ez. 38:3). In the process, His glory is revealed to Jews and Gentiles alike. Collectively as a nation, Israel turns to worship Him alone (Ez. 39:22, 29). Many other prophetic Scriptures confirm or elaborate on this general theme.
In summary, Ezekiel 36 through 39 informs us how to pray for Israel’s restoration to the Land and to the Lord. We are to pray for her “exceedingly great army” to accomplish what it must, when and how it must, consistent with God’s character and leadership, for His glory.
There’s still more. Ezekiel 37:15-24 implies or hints that in the process of her progressive restoration, internal disunity threatens to tear the Jewish state apart. The passage does not state whether or not Israel is indeed divided again into two kingdoms, as in biblical history. What is clear is that God re-unites the Jewish people into one nation, serving one King. Therefore, we ask you to continue praying that Israel remain united as one nation through her current shakings.
As we pray, at least as important as what God says He will do with Israel, is who He says He is. Our prayers are to be informed by our knowledge of the character and heart of The One receiving them. Our Beloved King is all powerful and holy, yet loving. He is righteous and just, yet gracious and merciful. He is faithful and true to His Word. He desires all peoples to be saved, even today, for today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2, 1 Timothy 2:4). So while the day of Israel’s national salvation has not yet come, today is the day for the salvation of some individual Jews, as well as some Gentiles.
To recap, if we keep in mind the Bible’s general outline of prophetic events, we can pray effectively into complex current events pertaining to Israel, even if we cannot unravel all the underlying details, historical context, and military-political intrigue. And so, based on Ezekiel 36 through 39, here’s how you can pray for Israel as we transition from 2024 into 2025. Please note the last prayer point is the most time sensitive.
Ezekiel 36-39: Prayers to Shield Israel – December 2024 through January 2025
1. Israel’s salvation
Pray for an outpouring of grace to inspire Jewish people to seek God with all their hearts, for then He will be found by them (Jeremiah 29:13). Pray for His healing and comfort to be released and felt across Israel and by Jews in the nations reeling from antisemitism.
Pray that as Jewish people turn to God, the veil causing partial blindness and resistance to the Gospel will be removed (2 Corinthians 3:15-16).
Pray that wounds due specifically to Christian antisemitism over past centuries will melt as believers who are full of God’s Spirit extend love, comfort and aid to the Jewish people.
Pray that Spirit filled believers who love Israel will share the Gospel with Jewish people and not unconsciously succumb to the growing heretical belief that Jews can be saved apart from Yeshua.
Pray for the maturation, strengthening, protection, anointing, boldness and fruitfulness of Israeli believers and outreach ministries. Pray for the manifestation of God’s glory through them.
2. Domestic Discord
Pray for national unity and internal shalom among Israelis.
Pray for exposure and cessation of demonic sources of internal civil strife: prideful political posturing and grudge bearing; globalist/Marxist funding, manipulation and resources; unhealed generational and personal wounds; religious disputations; confusion over our national identity and calling; and more. Pray for love and truth to overtake hate and lies.
Pray that our ongoing domestic shakings will result in a divine cleansing and repentance from injustice, unrighteousness and corruption, with a turning toward purity in our government, institutions and culture.
Pray and proclaim Ezekiel 37:21-22: Israel is being restored as an undivided nation.
3. Aliyah
Pray that Jewish people in the nations will discern and respond to God’s call to return to their covenant land.
Pray for the Israeli government to discern and respond to God’s call to properly absorb new immigrants.
Pray that ultra-Orthodox Jews, who have tightly controlled and restricted aliyah, will permit all Jews to return to their covenant land, especially Jews who believe in Jesus.
4. Ezekiel 37 Military Armies
Pray for Israeli soldiers, intelligence and security forces, police and military officials, to be supernaturally protected, strengthened in mind, body, and spirit, and aligned with God’s will.
Pray for the defense and protection of Israeli civilians from terror and war.
Pray that the enemies of Israel, chiefly Iran and its proxies, will be defeated or severely set back. Pray for the Iranian regime to either repent or be removed, along with its rogue nuclear program, and for a replacement government not hostile to the Gospel.
Pray for new governance that will prove favorable to the Gospel in war torn Lebanon, Gaza and Syria.
Pray for all the hostages held by Hamas to be released in a way that does not harm Israel. Pray for the hostages’ comfort, strength, protection and salvation.
Pray for a season of reprieve from war in Israel and the Middle East. We believe God would be pleased for a season of peace that is conducive to a widespread spiritual harvest in the region before an end times anti-Christian, antisemitic, anti-God rule over Israel and the nations (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
5. Ezekiel 37 Nonmilitary Armies: Time Sensitive!
Pray regarding the ongoing, nonmilitary forms of war against Israel expressed through lawfare, media warfare and global antisemitism.
Pray mercy and grace not only for Israel, but for the nations. Recall Yeshua’s parable of sheep and goats in Matthew 25:31-46, foretelling of His judgment on nations that mistreat the Jews.
Since our last news and prayer update, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The warrants were based on allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Gaza. The charges, like others of the past, were founded on outrageous misapplications of international law, backed by equally outrageous lies (including staged visuals) labelled ingenuously as “evidence.” (As we’ve shared before, Islamist theology mandates lying to achieve jihadi goals.)
The ICC does not have legal jurisdiction over Israel or Gaza. But that does not mean Israel is not experiencing repercussions from the arrest warrants, including rapidly mounting isolation from the global community—diplomatically, militarily, economically, scientifically, technologically, in the arts and just about every other sphere of international relations. Israel is fast becoming a pariah state in many respects. Pray for God’s merciful justice on Israel and the nations as we inch closer to the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39. Pray for His timing of these events.
Continuing on the theme of non-military warfare, on January 20, 2025, US President Biden is scheduled to step down from office, with President-elect Trump resuming the position. Many Israelis optimistically expect the Trump administration to prove more supportive than the Biden administration. However, there is also concern that Mr. Biden could seriously harm the Jewish state by an 11th hour action taken before he leaves.
This would not be without precedent. In 2016, days before leaving office, POTUS Obama green-lighted UN Security Council Resolution 2334. The resolution declared any and all Israeli presence in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, to be illegal. It gave official recognition to a future Palestinian state. Although Obama and Netanyahu had a notoriously uncooperative relationship, this act was perceived by Israel as a shocking betrayal.
If enforced, Resolution 2334 would require Israel to relinquish all of biblical Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem to putative Palestine. A future American administration would not have legal authority to reverse or un-do what has already been done at the Security Council. Prophetic Scriptures such as Joel 3:2 indeed point to the likelihood (or perhaps inevitability) of a future Palestinian state.
President Biden’s policies toward Israel and her enemies these past four years have been a mixed bag. He has provided substantial military support to the Jewish state, for which we are sincerely grateful. But at the same time he has repeatedly tied Israel’s hands, thereby prolonging our war(s) with Hamas and Hezbollah, much to our detriment.
Mr. Biden likely seeks a legacy in which he will be remembered as being even-handed toward Palestinians and Israelis alike. Repeatedly stating that he wants to see a sovereign Palestinian state, he has reportedly gotten quite frustrated with, and angered by, PM Netanyahu. Moreover, Mr. Biden appears not to be functioning at full mental capacity, but depending heavily on the decisions of others whose sympathies seem to lie more with Palestinians than with Jews.
We encourage you to pray that President Biden would not stab Israel in the back on his way out the door in the manner of his mentor, Barak Obama. Pray and proclaim that America will bless Israel, and therefore be blessed, and therefore be positioned to be a blessing to many (Genesis 12:3). To God’s glory!
Thank you for lovingly standing with us, with Israel and with the Jewish people. Your every prayer makes a difference.
October 7, 2024 “One Year After October 7, 2023 – A Messianic Israeli Reflection” by Sandra Teplinsky
October 7, 2023 began as a lusciously lovely Saturday morning. I remember waking up to an azure blue sky, warm sunshine, song birds, and the sweet shalom that permeates Jerusalem every Shabbat. It was a special moed according to Leviticus 23:36, the Eighth Day of Assembly, observed every year on the heels of Sukkot. By tradition, the Eighth Day is celebrated as Simchat Torah, a rejoicing in the gift of God’s Word. Simchat Torah marks the end of Judaism’s traditional, annual cycle of Scripture readings and start of the next year’s new cycle.
October 7 was to start a new cycle indeed.
Kerry, who usually wakes up earlier than me, greeted me that morning with an unusually somber look on his face. “Terrorists have broken into the country. They attacked a kibbutz near Gaza … I can’t tell much more from the news … Nobody seems to know what happened.”
Virtually all news services in Israel shut down on Shabbat. Apart from rumors running wild on social media, we would not even begin to comprehend the magnitude of what took place until later that evening. Meanwhile, we prayed. We decided to proceed with our normal Shabbat holiday plan.
It never occurred to us our that lives would change forever that day.
On this one year anniversary of the deadliest occasion for Jews in my lifetime, I’d like to share a few thoughts. I trust these summarized reflections will help you know better how to pray, how to better relate to Jewish people in the coming year, and how to even better glorify God in all He does.
I also hope you’ll catch glimmers of the beauty He’s beginning to bestow on His people in place of their ashes.
Lastly, I pray you’ll be encouraged for the future of the international remnant ekklesia. When God initiates a new thing in the earth, He often moves first in Israel; after that, He works with His people in the nations. “First to the Jew and then to the Gentile” is a principle that still applies (Romans 1:16).
To begin, Israelis have a uniquely strong empathy with each other. We are a small country and close community connected by family bloodlines going back to antiquity. Embedded in the Israeli psyche is a profound awareness of our need for each other—despite our sharp differences. For the more religiously observant, that awareness relates to shared covenant destiny. For others, it may stem mostly from trauma bonds owing to millennia of murderous persecution. In any case, when one of us hurts, we all hurt, deeply.
For the past year Israel has been in heart shattering, gut wrenching pain. But we must set it aside to fight for our lives. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has roared over the nation. His troops are willing in the day of battle.
Those of us who cannot fight militarily fight in the Spirit, knowing our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers of darkness in high places and evil principalities (Ephesians 6:12). Much of our battle concerns the turning of our people back to the God of our fathers. And in that, we’ve begun to see victory.
Never in our modern history have so many Israelis, including soldiers, turned to the Lord, cried out to Him, asked His forgiveness, prayed daily and acknowledged that He is our defense, as in the past one year. We have had opportunities to share the Lord with Israelis as never before. As we’ve written in other newsletters, we see God tenderly softening Jewish hearts in the spirit of 2 Corinthians 3:15-16.
Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke prophetically on October 25, 2023, when he said that “Israel will be reborn” as the result of October 7.
As you probably know, Kerry and I are not only Israeli, but American. We spent most of our lives in the US, where both our families still reside. In recent months I have read countless articles and surveys describing the shock, anxiety, mistrust, insecurity and despair of American Jews due to spiking antisemitism since last October 7. Many fear the once unthinkable: another holocaust.
As Americans, it is deeply grievous for us to watch the rise of Jew hatred in that country. As a result, we foresee a soon coming, major wave of aliyah from the US.
At the same time, we are joyfully blessed to learn how Messiah’s ekklesia remnant is standing with, caring for, and comforting the sons and daughters of Jacob in the spirit of Isaiah 40:1.
Apart from the pain we feel for our fellow Jewish Americans, we weep over the current condition of the United States and pray for a return to her Judeo-Christian roots. We carry an unshakeable intercessory burden in our hearts for that formerly great nation. I personally grieve the loss of a few dear American Christian friends who have turned against Israel and the Jews, and therefore us, since October 7.
As followers of Yeshua, Kerry and I resolved long ago that our lives are not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Still, it is a new reality that because we are Jewish, we can no longer expect the same level of normal human interaction, treatment and protection we once experienced in the US—or anywhere else in the world.
About that, we are sadder for the world than for ourselves.
Here in Israel, living under threat of terror attack, missile barrage, or nuclear war with Iran is challenging. Yet we would not want to be anywhere else. We have been catapulted by grace into a new, hour by hour dependency on God. We have been blessed with deepening trust and intimacy with Him. We have come to experience His goodness, grace, faithfulness, love, peace and provision as never before. We have witnessed history-making miracles.
We have been privileged to serve alongside some of Yeshua’s highly cherished ones, precious brothers and sisters in the Spirit driven by passion for His kingdom purposes. Together we have been thrust into new heights of persevering prayer, contending for God’s contention against His enemies. Though we would not have asked for it, Kerry and I have been honored to be a small part of His prophetic Ezekiel 37 army: “This is what the sovereign Lord says, ‘Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’ … and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army”(verses 9-10).
In closing, it has been a somber day in Israel. Across the country there have been memorial ceremonies, prayer gatherings, and sadly, more soldier funerals. Hostages are still hellishly trapped under the earth. Thousands or millions of tears have been shed today. Meanwhile, our enemies have celebrated with aerial and other terror attacks on us. In cities around the world, multitudes of Hamas sympathizers and other anti-Zionists have rallied and cheered for Iran to complete the job started a year ago, the annihilation of Israel.
Since October 7, I believe we have shared in some small way in the sufferings of Messiah. But this also means sharing in the joys of His resurrection victory. (1 Peter 4:13, Philippians 3:10-11) It means beauty for ashes!
September 5, 2024 “Prophetic Perspective – How to Pray Now for Israel” by Sandra Teplinsky
“Even when their paths wind through the dark valley of tears … they find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. He gives to them a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring. Hear my cry, O God of Heaven’s Armies! God of Jacob, listen to my loving prayer.” Psalm 84: 6,8
(The Passion Translation, which is an inspirational interpretation)
The Hebraic calendar year 5784 is drawing to a close, with the biblical fall feasts starting in under a month. Here in Israel, it has been a stand-alone year of war, wounding and weeping; of trauma, tears and turmoil. Thousands of Jews have immigrated from the nations and made aliyah; meanwhile, thousands of Israelis have left, planning never to return. One day there is news of a military miracle from Heaven; the next day, of mass murder from Hamas. On one side, there is repentant turning to God; on the other side, rebellious treachery against Him. Meanwhile, it seems no Jew since Jesus has been as hated by as many of his own people as Israel’s leader, Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Despite much uncertainty, there’s one thing we can count on daily: the world choosing to believe another lie about us.
Friends, Israel is flailing. BUT FOR GOD, she’d be failing.
We know that Sovereign Father God is and will be forever faithful to His covenant promises! We do not know exactly how He will bring those promises to glorious fulfillment—except that in all His ways, He is good and perfect. “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13, NKJV) And we do believe it!
Prophetic Prayer Prospective
For many years we have shared that God is in the process of restoring Israel according to a broad strokes picture painted in Ezekiel 36-39 There we see Him breathe upon dry Jewish bones, revive us physically, and take us back to the land He promised us. Next, He sprinkles clean water on us, purifying our hearts and reviving us spiritually. After that, King David (Yeshua) rules over us in a restored, undivided kingdom. At some point in the timeline, while we’re living in peace and prosperity, a coalition of nations led by Gog and Magog attacks us. The coalition is decisively defeated by God. In this broad strokes scenario, where might Israel be today?
The perspective I (Sandra) share below comes from hours of intercession and crying out to God for the particular understanding of Ezekiel 36-39 He wants me to have, at this time, for the sake of prayer. (While consistent with Scripture, it does not represent a theologically tight interpretation based on highly detailed, biblical exegesis.)
Several days ago, as I prayerfully pored over Ezekiel’s prophecy, a surprising picture-vision came to mind. I saw God leaning into and weeping over Israel, His beloved covenant nation. As He wept, tears from heaven fell upon, and soaked into, Israelis who were also weeping. The peoples’ tears, though genuine and heartbreaking, were inevitably tinged with fallen human emotion and sin. In contrast, heaven’s tears were pure like sparkling clean water.
As heaven’s tears fell, they sprinkled over the people. Heaven’s tears then mingled with the human tears. As they did, heaven’s tears not only comforted, but also purified and cleansed those who were weeping and mourning in the land. Through this sprinkling, and mutual heaven-and-human weeping, the soil of Israeli hearts softened. Eventually the peoples’ tears became clean and clear. Then, as their tears fell onto the ground, the soil of the land itself softened. Once softened, the soil of the nation was ready and receptive to a planting of seeds that could yield a good and bountiful harvest.
On September 1, just days after this vision, we learned that Hamas had brutally executed six more hostages, including an American. The entire country was stunned. Israelis wept in the streets, at their jobs, on mainstream and social media, seemingly everywhere. Some said it felt as if October 7 were happening all over again. But that same day, another extraordinary event occurred: rainfall. (Israel does not normally get rain as early as September 1.) Photos and videos of rain went viral on Israeli social media with the caption, “Even heaven is weeping.”
Could it be that Israel’s current crisis, though demonically driven and catastrophic, will give way to the outworking of God’s precious promise: “I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands, and bring you into your own land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean: I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.” (Ezekiel 36:24-25, NASB 1995) Time and prayer will tell; meanwhile,
Let’s pray accordingly!
> Pray that Israeli hearts will soften, not harden, toward God in this period of worsening difficulty. Many hearts are softening but many others are hardening. The same day many wept at the news of six dead hostages, many others swarmed the streets in violent rage.
> As the new year 5785 begins, pray for God’s promised sprinkling of clean water, that as we journey through this “valley of tears,” Israel might discover His “pleasant pool” and “brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring.” (Psalm 84:6, TPT)
> Pray for God’s gift of tears not only for Israelis—and specifically PM Netanyahu and our other leaders—but for believers around the world as they pray for Israel. (Jeremiah 9:1, 17-18)
The vision of tears does not reveal the myriad nuances and complexities of Israel’s present condition. Nor does it address whether the apocalyptic battle of Ezekiel could be at hand. To explain such matters would require extensive research and the writing of an entire book. To a degree, that is what I am doing by updating Why Care About Israel? Five of fourteen chapters are now updated. The entire book is available here as a free pdf during the update process – with videos on each updated chapter here.
Praying Now for Israel: Who’s Right and Who is Left?
“There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms.” (Ezekiel 37:22)
It saddens us to say that divisions within Israeli society are even worse than before the war began. The very vocal and extremely angry anti-Netanyahu protest movement has turned violent. There are fires set in highways, riots in cities, assassination threats, and public calls for civil war. Known sometimes as the Kaplan Force, this mounting rebellion currently masquerades as a grassroots movement to rescue hostages held by Hamas. In so doing it has been able to draw huge numbers of supporters. The most pressing demand, therefore, is an immediate end to the war and a peace deal with Hamas—at absolutely any cost. Some Israeli believers have supported the movement because of its whistle blowing on government corruption.
But there’s more.
Beneath the mask, we believe the movement is a deceptive plant and plan of Satan himself. Nothing else can explain its characteristic, frenzied rage and feverish hate of Jews toward Jews, or its furious push for policies that would undermine the sovereignty of a Jewish state. Not surprisingly, the movement is reportedly funded mostly by globalist organizations and entities. The diabolical strategy, it seems, is not just to overtake authorities God has placed into position (despite their flaws), but to destroy law and order, thus weakening Israeli society to the extent it implodes. In such a turn of events, our enemies could then easily overtake us. Alternatively, widespread social-economic-governmental chaos could become such that we willingly surrender sovereign statehood for a purported (false) peace through antichrist structures, and eventually an anti-Christ figure himself.
But that is not what God wants!
On the other side of Israeli society are ultra-Orthodox and ultra-Zionist right-wing extremists. These fringe groups are also growing in numbers, increasingly violent, and intentionally disruptive of law and order. Some of their rabbis call for and oversee pogroms in Judea/Samaria aimed at Palestinians trying to live in peace. These same zealots have violently assaulted Messianic Jews for decades. Sadly, the growing, extreme right-wing movement is just as flawed, corrupt and self-righteous as the leftists they despise. They, too, give way to antichrist-laden policies, particularly in their zeal to construct a third temple and re-institute animal sacrifices for forgiveness of sins. Resuming the Mosaic mode of sacrifice will, before long, empower them to further suppress the Gospel and persecute those who believe in Messiah Yeshua’s once-for-all atonement. Nevertheless, some Israeli believers support them because of their uncompromising goal to immediately take over all of God’s promised land.
Both left and right wing extremes are laden with nuance and complexity. Each camp contains grains of truth—buried beneath mounds of deception. Lacking biblical, Holy Spirit discernment and honest fact gathering, Israelis (like others around the world) can be easily seduced toward one extreme or the other, especially during a period of prolonged emotional distress.
Please know we do not want to wrongly pass judgment on, or gossip about, our beloved fellow Israelis. Rather, we believe you who are Israel’s true friends need an honest understanding of our condition in order to pray effectively. We trust you’ll bear in mind and heart that God is weeping, as are many moderate Israelis who are turning to Him.
You probably know by now that Israeli soldiers have unearthed from tunnels in Gaza proof of Hamas’s extensive and sadly effective use of psychological warfare. From the outset, they intentionally preyed upon our internal, domestic discord. The attack of October 7, including the capture of hundreds of hostages, was intended from the beginning to spark the likes of civil war. At the same time, Hamas knew they could isolate Israel internationally by playing into the hands of disgruntled masses in the West and closet anti-Semites around the world.
Given all these realities, our Messianic Israeli friend and respected leader, Reuven Doron, recently expressed thoughts about Israel’s future. His view is probably shared by much of Israel’s centrist majority. He writes that since October 7:
“Israeli mindsets have changed, even for the most peace-loving folks among us, and there are no more illusions about ‘peace with our neighbors’ through compromise or wishful thinking. True biblical Zionism is pragmatic and practical, and whoever wants peace in the Middle East must be strong. …
“Israelis are beginning to understand that no matter what government will replace this one, [we] will live under the constant threat of an existential war for years to come. The circumstantial handwriting is so clear on the wall that most end-time teachers and preachers vouch that the Antichrist and his false “peace covenant” with Israel are right around the corner. …
“This means that [to exist as a sovereign state] Israel will need stronger security policies, a larger battle-ready army, and greater independence from foreign manipulation and weapon embargoes. It also means that our economy will be pressed hard because the State will pay a lot more for security and for war damages. A long process of rebuilding the north and the south [of Israel] will require resources and leadership, all while fighting a long and difficult war. Do we have such leaders? God’s will be done and prayer is the key. …”
> Please pray with us that God will miraculously intervene to spare His people. More and more, we, along with other Israelis, consciously live in the reality He is our only hope. Although Scripture warns of end times chaos and devastation, pray such things will not materialize until God’s sovereign timing.
> Pray for mercy and grace to break the escalating, devilishly driven, domestic hate and rage that could push Israel toward civil war. (It seems Satan knows how to fuel anti-Semitism even among us Jews.)
> Pray for daily renewed strength for our heroic soldiers in Gaza, Judea/Samaria, and the north. Because we are a tiny country, our armies are few in number. Yet terror rages against us from the north, south, east and west. We regularly hear that our selfless soldiers are exhausted, their families are suffering, their jobs and businesses are shuttering, and more. Recent surveys show that half our people suffer from clinical PTSD.
> Pray for daily renewed strength, unity and protection of PM Netanyahu and all our governing leaders. Pray they will graciously and mercifully be given the gift of the fear of the Lord, for it is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. More than ever before, Mr. Netanyahu needs every prayer of every Israel-loving follower of YHVH. (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10)
> Pray that God will bring a swift end to Hamas’s top leader, Yahya Sinwar. (Psalm 149:6-9) In partnership with another, large international prayer ministry, we recently called for a day of global prayer and fasting toward Sinwar’s demise. We were amazed to learn that many thousands participated. You can access and pray the suggested prayer here.
> Pray for the safe return of our hostages and estimated 70,000 Israeli war evacuees. Pray for the recovery of farms and towns that have been decimated in the north (Golan and upper Galilee) and south (Negev).
> Pray for your family, church, and nation to align with God’s Word concerning Israel. Our Father carefully weighs our responses to Israel in times of her distress. We believe humankind stands today in a metaphoric valley of judgment, based on how we individually and nationally choose to judge Israel. (As you know, Joel 3:1-2 teaches a literal judgment of God will take place in the not too distant future, in a literal valley that is aptly called Jehoshaphat, meaning “God Judges.”)
> A more detailed prayer list is accessible here.
Despite the sobering news and views, we are sincerely, deeply grateful for God’s wraparound presence, mercy and grace. Threatened retaliatory, crippling attacks by Iran and Hezbollah have not taken place. Attempted mass terror from the West Bank has been thwarted. Day to day functioning continues mostly as usual for us personally. God is with us and Israel is still a land of miracles! We believe this is largely due to the prayers of friends like you.
In closing, we want to remember the current Hebraic month of Elul is known traditionally as a time when the “King is in the Field,” This is thought to be the month He visits His servant-friends. engages intimately with them, and examines His soon-to-be-harvest. This Elul, may each of you experience your King’s loving and very near presence as you serve the desires of His heart. May you rejoice with Him in a good and bountiful harvest.
August 5, 2024 “Insights from Israel in Time of War” by Sandra Teplinsky
Years ago, a well-known worship song was written and called, “Just Give Me Jesus.” As I (Sandra) begin this letter to you, my heart is stirred to just give you Jesus – or at least more of Him – in the paragraphs that follow. In these days of Israel’s dire distress, what we need and cherish most is connection with Yeshua: His supremacy, goodness, wraparound love, forever faithfulness, and His shalom. So despite the following discussion of difficult events, including a threatened, devastating, and imminent attack by Iran, I pray you will finish this letter with even “more” of Yeshua.
A Perspective of Israel’s Troublesome Times
The Lord has personally encouraged me to process these grievously difficult days as a woman in childbirth might process her hours of difficult labor. To help ease the pain, she breathes deeply and intentionally. She might set her sight on a tangible picture, object or other uplifting point of reference. She remembers the suffering is about birthing the baby she has long awaited and loves. She might gain strength and comfort from a midwife standing faithfully at her side. Sometimes, the knowledge and loving skill of a midwife saves both her life and the baby’s.
Similarly, you and I can breathe deeply by and of Holy Spirit, inhaling with intention the oxygen of His steadying faith, hope and love; exhaling the grief, worries or anxieties of this life (Luke 21:34). We can look up and focus on the beautiful eyes of Yeshua, knowing our redemption is at hand (Luke 21:28). We remember, sometimes hour by hour, that our suffering is about birthing the return of the One we’ve long awaited and loved.
The international Church (ekklesia) can be seen as a midwife aiding Israel in these hours of travail. Your faithful and prayerful assistance to Israel, as well as your loving support – in many ways and means – is critical to our survival through the hard labor of birthing the Messianic Age. How we need and thank you!
As a brief theological aside, given today’s harsh realities, many have asked whether we believe the prophetic “time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7) is past, present, or in the future. The best scholarship that I can discern, which happens to be consistent with what I sense in the Spirit, is that Jacob’s time of trouble is not a one-off occurrence. The first “time” would have been in reference to the overtaking of Jerusalem and Jewish exile in the 6th century BC. A final “time” appears to take place at the end of this age, followed in context by Messiah’s glorious restoration. Through history, there have been many other times of widespread, murderous antisemitism, including the Nazi Holocaust. In a sense, they could all be considered times of Jacob’s trouble.
October 7, 2023, marked the start of another such time, launching war with Iran-Hamas-Hezbollah-Houthis and other terror groups. That war now indirectly involves Turkey, Russia and China. Yet, let us remember this present time of trouble began on Simchat Torah, the annual day of rejoicing over God’s Word. His purposes will prevail as written in Scripture, and in that, we can still rejoice.
Sharing Yeshua with Israelis
Two weeks ago an Israeli man we did not know struck up a conversation with Kerry and me. I casually asked him how he felt the war in Gaza would end up. In a heartbeat he replied, “It’s about the coming of Messiah.” A moment later he added, “You know, some of our rabbis have seen the Messiah.”
I told him I had seen the Messiah, that I’d personally met Him, and I know Him. The man, whose name is Chaim, was visibly intrigued. “Tell me more! Who is he?”
I looked Chaim straight in the eye. “He is the one you call Yeshu. His real name is Yeshua.” (In Hebrew, “yeshu” means “cursed” or “may his name be blotted out.” Because this is what our rabbis have taught, most Israelis sincerely think that “yeshu” is Jesus’ actual name in Hebrew.)
Chaim winced. I could see and feel the tug of war inside him as he asked question after question, attempting to refute every answer I gave. In the end, Chaim’s rejection of Yeshua amounted to his unwillingness to oppose established, rabbinic tradition.
Chaim repeatedly reminded me (as if I didn’t already know) that faith in Yeshua means formal exclusion from the people of Israel. He also felt the need to state, over and again, that his rabbi and his wife would each reprove him severely if they knew he was talking with believers in Jesus. In our final moments together, he confessed he was extremely perplexed because although he believes we are heretics and traitors, he saw a light in us that he knew had to be the light of a Jewish soul. Once again I told him Who the Jewish Light is in us. And again we went round and round about rabbinic tradition before parting company (quite amicably). The experience was both encouraging and heartbreaking.
Please pray for Chaim, whose name means “Life.” Chaim typifies many religious Jews, so near and yet so far from salvation and everlasting life. Pray according to 2 Corinthians 3:15-16: “Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.” Please also pray that we will have more encounters with Israelis who are willing to dialogue about He who is the Light of Zion.
Intercession for Israel
In what could only be a divinely ordered agenda, a few days after talking with Chaim, we found ourselves part of a small team of Israeli prayer leaders journeying to the city of Yavne. Yavne is the presumed site of the Sanhedrin council which ruled, in approximately 90 AD, that Jews who believe in Jesus are no longer Jewish, but must be excommunicated from the people of Israel. The same council established a prayer liturgy that includes curses, still prayed daily, against Messianic Jews. At Yavne we prayed for a breaking of the stronghold of religious tradition contrary to Scripture that keeps our people from faith in Yeshua. We released forgiveness and identificational confession-repentance. We blessed those who curse us, prayerfully proclaimed passages of Scripture, partook of the Blood and Body of Yeshua, and much more.
The trip to Yavne was part of an Israeli Messianic intercessory prayer journey taking place over many months, and covering a dozen strategic locations. Next month, God willing, we will convene in the Negev. Meanwhile, Kerry and I are blessed to hold our post here in Jerusalem, leading prayer in different venues and on ZOOM throughout the week.
Last month we were given an unusual but blessed opportunity to speak to a wide range of believers from Israel and the nations. Perhaps you know that with very rare exception, Messianic congregations in Israel do not permit women to preach or teach during their main services. It was therefore a joyful honor to be asked to give the main message at our congregation, King of Kings Community in Jerusalem. In an apparent “first” for the congregation, I was asked to teach fundamental basics about intercessory prayer. You can watch the recording here. Another congregation has asked us to visit and share a similar message later this month. Thank you for praying with us that Messianic women in Israel will be freed from any unbiblical restraints on the Spirit-submitted exercise of gifts given them to edify the whole Body.
Warring Against Enemies
Once again, and even as I write, we are preparing for a potential, wide scale war with Iran and its terror proxies. Following Israel’s presumed assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, as well as Hezbollah’s Fuad Shukr, we pray in faith for divine protection from Iran’s threatened retaliation. There are predictions of missiles striking all across the country, which could occur at any moment, or tomorrow, or next week. We are told that this time, Iran will target civilians.
The annual observance of Tisha b’Av falls this year on August 13, marking the recurrent date on which horrific devastations have befallen the Jews, including the destruction of Israel’s First and Second Temples. It is rumored that Iran plans to pummel us with over 1500 missiles on Tisha b’Av for its symbolic and psychological significance. Another rumor is that the attack will come tomorrow, August 5. Yet another rumor is that yesterday the US positioned nuclear weapons in Qatar in potential defense of its interests in the region. Rumors aside, both Israel and Iran are repeatedly announcing they are ready for “all-out war.”
I would like to think that God will use an impending war to break the stronghold of fundamentalist Islam, completely destroy Iran’s nuclear program, and allow Israel to regain all her biblically promised land. But neither Kerry nor I can at this time say God has clearly shown us this is what He is about to do. While we are quite aware of the evil of Islam, we are also sadly cognizant of Israel’s overall, present condition of grievously straying from God. Such a condition He cannot and will not condone.
It pains us to say many of our people remain viciously divided against each other, with hateful and violent protests raging in the streets even under threat of war. Immorality at nearly every imaginable level persists. To be sure, a very significant minority of Israelis is turning and crying out to God. More Jewish hearts are open to Yeshua in Israel than ever before. Nevertheless, as a nation, we believe Israel is experiencing a deserved and divine, holy chastisement. God is lovingly shaking us in order to cleanse, refine and restore us fully to Himself. In the process there is widespread trauma, grief and pain. It is a time to comfort His people, speaking to her in love — but not at the expense of also tenderly speaking truth. And so we plead for a merciful, spiritual awakening in the land.
Given the complexities, only God can orchestrate a victorious outcome to any war with Iran and its terror proxies in which many on all sides will turn to Him, and in which He alone is glorified. For this we pray daily and encourage you to do the same. God desires and promises to bless Israel and despite what we see unfolding, we believe He is.
We pray for the full extent of God’s covenant and kingdom purposes at this time and in this conflict to be achieved, with the least amount of collateral damage, innocent bloodshed, and devastation to all involved. This general principle guides our prayers for the myriad other, specific matters, such as release of the hostages, protection and anointing of our leaders and soldiers, return of Israeli evacuees, etc. (You can access a detailed list of suggested prayer points, replete with Scriptures, here.)
Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av
Tonight we celebrate Rosh Chodesh Av, the start of the fifth month of the biblical year (Numbers 10:10). Historically, the fifth month is not a happy one for the Jewish people. In Scripture, Israel’s first high priest died on the first day of Av, which was regarded as an ominous event (Numbers 33:38). According to tradition, on the 9th day of Av God decreed that the generation which left Egypt would have to die in the desert (Numbers 13:28 -14:38). A list of subsequent tragedies occurring on Av 9, known as Tisha b’Av, can be found here.
Despite the sorrow associated with Av, the month is often called Menachem Av (“Comfort by Father”). This reflects the rabbis’ understanding that on the heels of tragedy, God comforts His people as a caring, compassionate father. And so we pray this month that His comfort will indeed wrap around Israel. May His compassionate care melt many Jewish hearts as our people experience His precious embrace.
May the comfort of our heavenly Father surround each of you this month as well. May He bless you and give you oh-so-much more of Jesus.
June 13, 2024 “Why Do Some People Say Hamas Is Winning?” by Kerry Teplinsky
I (Kerry) have often wondered, since October 7, 2023, how Hamas thought their heinous invasion of Israel was going to play out and what they expected to accomplish. Even though they badly misunderstand the God of Israel who strengthens His people, they clearly could not have thought that 3000 terrorists were going to overrun all of Israel, or that most Israelis would flee from fear. What could their end-game have been? I now believe it was their leaders’ goal to turn the world against Israel and the Jewish people in a very clever way. As you will read below, Hamas has successfully married progressive ideologies that it opposes, with anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism that it embraces, creating a new generation of anti-Semites.
Within Israel, Hamas temporarily united the nation after its yearlong descent into disunity over governmental judicial reform and other internal issues. So far, they have helped us to realize that our war for national survival has been renewed, and that in this existential crisis we have to lay aside our bickering and join together for victory. In truth, there is still plenty of bickering in Israel, but most Israelis agree on three things as stated by PM Netanyahu early on. We have to destroy Hamas militarily and governmentally. We have to rescue the hostages, and we have to make sure that nothing like this can ever happen again. Afterwards, we can go back to our internal bickering, while confronting Hezbollah and/or Iran in due season, although that season appears closer than ever before.
Anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism are not new. We all know that. However, it was shocking to realize that the greatest zeal for Hamas was found in the West. The enthusiastic response that greeted the Hamas invaders and their massacre of Israelis was greatest in what we refer to as the free world – the US, Europe, Australia – and in the most esteemed institutions of higher education. It did not take long for college campuses to be overrun with pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic rhetoric and violence.
Keeping in mind that Israel did not mount a major military offensive into Gaza for three weeks after the October 7 invasion, how is it that by October 8, Harvard University student organizations had already published their manifesto favoring the Palestinians and blaming Israel for the invasion, to be followed quickly thereafter by organizations on other major US universities?
The volcano of anti-Semitism that has been lying dormant ever since the Holocaust in the West has now erupted, spewing its lava throughout the world. Though not exclusively the purview of Muslims, clearly the large amount of Islamic immigration to Europe and the West has served as a detonator for this explosion.
This triumph of brazenly pro-Islamic rhetoric in the West is not being done in hiding, but while openly declaring their aspirations to kill all the Jews – from the river to the sea. “Death to Israel, Death to America” are being chanted on college campuses and international capitals throughout the world without fear. How can this be? How can students on American campuses and people in American cities chant “Death to America”? Is it that they have no fear because they know they do not stand alone? They have seen this before in the recent past (George Floyd/Black Lives Matter/Defund Police) and know that there will be no consequences. Indeed, they have found many who stand with them, holding up their arms as it were. This is because they stand with very powerful progressive, communist, anarchist and anti-Christ partners on the left. Hamas has tapped into this river of hate.
Even though progressive leftist groups surely can not agree with jihadist principles, sharia law, and Islamic theology that would remove female rights and kill homosexuals, they do agree on the abundant hatred of the US, the West, and the religious Judeo-Christian foundation that fuels their anarchist viewpoints. This is what seems to be a bizarre alliance, but I submit it is an alliance whose first goal is to single out the Jews. Why? Because God chose Israel as His first-born and loves her as a special treasure above all the peoples of the earth. (Deut. 7: 6) Since God chose and loves the Jews, there is no better way to oppose God than to hate what He loves. Since Jesus will return to Jewish Jerusalem only when Israel welcomes Him back, anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism are Satan’s best plan to insure opposition to God’s plan for world redemption. With no Israel and no Jews in Jerusalem, there will be no second coming.
Anti-Semitism has always been an extraordinary tool for political mobilization. If there is a problem in society – inflation for example – it is always easier to blame it on an easily identifiable group of people than it is to solve. So, if politically you want to get people to follow you without actually having to solve anything, it is always easiest to blame all the problems on a small group of people and say they are the cause. The Jewish people have always served well in this regard. All one needs to do is study the history of the great civilizations of Europe and find Jews either expelled or exterminated from all of them.
This is how Hitler mobilized people to genocide. It is how Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and so many Arab and Muslim regimes explain their failures to be able to bring basic services to their people. Blame the Jews and Israel.
Modern Israel, which is the target of anti-Semitism internationally, has long been blamed for the ills of the Middle East, such as Sunni-Shiite discord, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and the Iranian threat to all Sunni Arab nations. Many believe if we just get rid of Israel, all the problems will be solved. Even former US Secretary of State John famously blamed Israel for the rise of ISIS.
We also see it internationally on a much bigger scale. When the International Criminal Court (ICC) issues arrest warrants for Israeli leaders for defending the nation, it is paving the way for being able to do this against other countries. When the International Court of Justice (ICJ) insists that Israel cannot continue to protect itself against attacks from other nations, it is actually paving the way for her destruction. If the ICC and the ICJ get away with this with Israel, what will be the next nation not allowed to defend itself from invasion: Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine or Taiwan?
So, what has all this got to do with anti-Semitism in the US? After all, only a relatively small percentage of its population is Jewish. Blaming and eventually dispossessing the Jews is also a good way of whittling away at democracy. If a society is successful in dehumanizing a sector of it, then it normalizes the concept that no longer does everyone have the right to be represented in government or in society. For example, if in America one successfully blames economic problems on the banks, which are allegedly controlled by the Jews, while failing governmental economic policy is allegedly, disproportionately determined by Jews, then the Jews must be causing these things. Is is said their motivation must be loyalty to a foreign power – Israel. Therefore, they must be removed from institutions of authority for the good of the nation. This may seem like fantasy, but it is being taught in universities and fed digitally to the masses. Take away their rights, they say, such as the Nazis did with the Nuremberg Laws, and the nation will be better off. (Note, last week the country of Maldives decided holders of Israeli passports would no longer to be allowed to visit. It is happening today.)
Whatever, wherever and whenever this begins with the Jews, it represents a shift towards tyranny. Historically, what begins with the Jews typically doesn’t end with the Jews. Once they have been successfully targeted, bigger and better targets will follow. What about pro-life groups in the US or those that stand against homosexuality? What about Evangelical Christians?
So why are the progressive movements standing arm and arm with pro-Hamas protesters so supportive of Islamic and jihadist rhetoric? Consider, for example, diversity, equity, and inclusion movements (DEI) which seek to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people, particularly groups who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination on the basis of identity or disability, whether qualified or not. Sounds fair. Sounds good. Who isn’t for equality? But that is not the same as equity. Never mind the qualified part.
The DEI movement in the US is born out of the notion that the US was founded in slavery, is forever tainted by that sin, and that that sin is still appropriated today upon large swaths of the population via racism. The only way America can be fundamentally transformed is by transforming fundamentally the mindset of the American people to believe that there is something inherently wrong with their country and their race. There is a belief that people are divided into the fundamentally privileged and the fundamentally dispossessed, and the privileged are fundamentally evil.
For example, white people are said to be privileged, therefore white people are said to be evil. DEI is being taught by the educators in the US as immutable fact. Yet, the things we think of as bring immutable, like gender, are being considered mutable. How far we have fallen! On April 28, 1963, Martin Luther King boldly proclaimed “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Sadly, DEI and its progressive siblings are the antithesis of his dream.
From the logic of DEI, it is not a far leap to think Jewish people are immutably bad, Israel was born in sin and therefore has no right to exist. Since October 7, especially when looking at college campuses, we see how many people ascribe to this view. In order to protest the Jewish state, they are naively willing to march next to people that would happily see them dead in other circumstances. One example is the near universal support for Hamas by the LQBTQ community, who themselves would likely be killed by the very Islamic regime they are supporting. This is quite an achievement on the part of Hamas! They have accomplished their goals well. They have successfully linked their own ideologies with sympathetic, confused, and anti-God anarchists.
As a result of the above, Israel is isolated as never before. Its leaders are war criminals in the eyes of the world. It finds itself on the UN list of offenders that harm children. It is even being condemned for rescuing hostages from Gaza. Jews throughout the world fear for what their future holds.
I pray not just for Israel. I also pray that the US and the world will recognize that because of extreme ideologies, whatever happens to Israel and the Jews might eventually happen to them. May they recognize that they have invited these fundamental changes in their society through policies that seek to remove any and all moral absolutes and abandon the principles of God.
When Israeli PM Netanyahu spoke on the eve of Israeli Independence Day recently, after President Biden had cut off the large scale munitions that will be needed to further insure Israel’s security, he said “Israel will stand alone if it has to, but it will stand.” He was speaking as a political leader attempting to encourage his nation. In truth, Israel will never stand alone, because He who keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. (Psalm 121:4) His plans for the return of His Son to His Kingdom on earth will not be thwarted, regardless of the plans of the enemy.
Please join me in praying that God will be glorified through the nation He has chosen as His inheritance and in the place He will again establish holy throne. Pray that your nation will not succumb to the progressive ideologies of today but will return to the Judeo-Christian values upon which it was founded, for all of our sakes.
It is God who arms me with strength… (Psalm 18:32a)
March 8, 2024 “Israel-Hamas War: A Macro View” by Sandra Teplinsky
Persisting into its sixth month, Israel’s war with Hamas, launched by Hamas on October 7, 2023, shows little sign of slowing down. The inevitable collateral damage of war, with all its devastating impact, mounts for both Israelis and Palestinians. As a result, there is bitter castigation against not only Israel, but Jewish people everywhere. Screaming death to the Jews, riotous mobs of Palestinian sympathizers swarm the streets of democratic nations, shutting down business, political processes and more.
We are compelled as Bible believers to discern accurately what is taking place and respond according to God’s Word and heart. We must ask: From a biblical and historical perspective, what is the macro view of this tragic, ongoing war?
What much of the media does not report is that Israel is fighting a battle against worldwide Islamic jihad, inspired and resourced mainly by Iran, but also fueled by globalist powers. Keep in mind that the grievously ghoulish terror attack of October 7 was named the Al Aqsa (aka Temple Mount) Flood by Hamas. Their end goal was and remains the conquest of Israel as a Jewish state and worship of their mahdi (false messiah) on the Temple Mount.
Global jihad is rooted in the hellish fires of not only anti-Semitism, but anti-Christ powers. We have previously explained that anti-Semitism, which includes anti-Israelism, is inextricably tied to the spirit of anti-Christ. Both are interconnected with anti-God, secular globalist forces. This offers insight as to why and how God’s enemies have used the Israel-Hamas War to spark unprecedented levels of Jew hatred in non-Muslim nations around the earth. If these enemies are not quelled through spiritual as well as military warfare, anti-Christ powers will greatly intensify worldwide.
What we see unfolding today about Israel and the Jews is a (but not the) culmination of an Islamist driven, false Palestinian narrative of Jewish history. Aligned with Hitler during World War II, Palestinian Arabs adopted the Nazi propaganda strategy which taught that big lies repeated often enough are easier for most people to believe than small lies.
The big lies about Israel began shortly after she became a sovereign state in 1948. Seventy-five years later, the false narrative is now widely accepted by much of the world. Typically, it goes something like this: “Israelis are oppressive colonialists who cruelly stole and unjustly occupy Palestinian lands. Jews are an inherently evil danger not only to innocent and viciously victimized Palestinians, but the entire world.”
Consistent with the above, the near century-old Islamist-Palestinian slogan, “from the river to the sea,” is code-speak for the genocidal annihilation of the Jewish state. It refers to our enemies’ goal of overtaking all land between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea, meaning all Israel. Appallingly, the slogan is now chanted around the world, even in traditionally Christian nations. Deceived Palestinian sympathizers ironically and disingenuously accuse Israel of genocide—when Palestinians are those who have publicly called, since the day of Israel’s miraculous rebirth, for her total destruction.
On the topic of genocide, it should be pointed out that vast amounts of humanitarian aid have regularly been delivered to displaced Gazans. The problem is that Hamas operatives have commandeered and stolen most of it. After months of food, medicine and other essential supplies getting hijacked by Hamas leaders to use for themselves, displaced civilians began rebelling and rioting. The situation is now one of tragic, chaotic lawlessness, far beyond Israel’s ability (or responsibility) to control. Other nations, themselves unwilling to risk the danger of ground deliveries, have taken to air dropping supplies into the rampaging mobs.
Through history, innocent civilians displaced by war have migrated abroad as refugees. Very sadly, however, Gaza’s evacuees are unwilling or unable to be absorbed as refugees by any of the world’s forty-plus Muslim nations. Reasons relate to the generally unreported fact that Hamas has intentionally worsened, if not created, the humanitarian crisis. This was strategically done, in large part, as a public relations ploy to be used against Israel. Today the terror group publicly boasts they’ve achieved their goal: the world blames Israel, not Hamas, for the humanitarian disaster.
To fix the situation and reward Hamas for its attack of October 7, there is mounting international outcry to establish a second, sovereign Palestinian state. (Jordan was created decades ago as a sovereign Palestinian state. To appease the Arabs, it was carved out of land which, in full compliance with international law, the nations had actually allotted to Israel.)
Unless God intervenes through nothing less than spiritual revival and the miraculous, given the escalation of anti-Semitism, particularly among younger generations and future leaders, could it be that yet another Jewish holocaust might occur in just a few short years? Or months? Or, to avoid the unthinkable, will the nations compel Israel to slice out of itself another Palestinian state? The way we understand the totality of Scripture, either scenario is possible.
My freely available book, Why Still Care about Israel? expounds on and extensively documents what I have shared above. It details God’s 20th century restoration of Israel, offering a thorough accounting of historical evidences. The book includes an honest and historically documented explanation of the Palestinian plight. I wrote it to foster love and concern for both Jews and Palestinian Muslims, not fear or hate. The text, relying heavily on God’s Word, prophetically speaks of realities unfolding today.
We strongly encourage you to read Why Still Care about Israel? if you have not already. If you have read it, we urge you to read the updated pdf available for free download on our website here. And please pass this link along to others!
Meanwhile, the war to annihilate Israel continues relentlessly both in the north with Hezbollah and in the south with Gaza. Daily in the east, Judea and Samaria undergo threats or actual acts of terror. Approximately 135,000 Israelis are still displaced. Please continue praying for Israel.
Here in Jerusalem, we have been temporarily spared from the fighting and devastation. But we know that could end any moment, probably sooner than later. The month-long Muslim holiday of Ramadan (March 10-April 8) is fast approaching. Iran has publicly called for a new terror intifada, beginning this Ramadan, throughout Israel and especially targeting Jerusalem.
Ramadan and Purim 2024
During Ramadan, Muslims around the world fast unto Allah from sunrise to sunset, praying several times a day and recommitting to the dictates of Koran. Throughout the month, fiery sermons are preached calling for jihad against Jews and other perceived infidels. As a result, Ramadan has been a time of heightened and often horrific violence, especially in Jerusalem, year after year.
This year, Ramadan converges with the start of the last month of the biblical calendar, Adar 2. It so happens that on the 13th and 14th of Adar 2, corresponding to March 24, the biblical feast of Purim, which is based on the book of Esther, and the holiday of Palm Sunday, will also take place. (Another Jewish observance called Ta’anit Esther, a day-long fast based on the biblical fast of Esther, falls on March 21.)
Last week Iran issued a formal call for Muslims living in Israel to join with Islamist terror groups in attacking Jews wherever we can be found. Hezbollah threatens to launch missiles targeting the entire country. Israeli security forces warn that Jerusalem could be a prime target of roving terrorist gangs – mostly by Muslim Israeli citizens and residents. The government admits it will not have the ability to defend against these widespread attacks, if they occur. We have also been told that in the threatened, escalated full-scale war with Hezbollah, internet service throughout Israel could go down for long periods—which is one reason we wanted to write you this week.
Please join us in praying for the peace of Jerusalem and all Israel. As you know, the upcoming Purim holiday celebrates God’s miraculous, past deliverance of the Jews—from attempted genocide by what is modern-day Iran. May He deliver us again, even in our day!
If you need suggested prayer points, we recommend you start with the book of Psalms. Passages of nearly every psalm are highly applicable to the situation. Personally, I am daily proclaiming and praying all of Psalm 27, among many other portions of Scripture.
We encourage you to rise up in the Spirit, by grace, as an Esther or Mordecai. Like that heroic duo of old, you can fast and pray with us for God’s protection according to the covenant promises of His Word.
May our Defender and King mercifully grace us with a Purim miracle this year. May many Jews and Palestinians turn to Him through Messiah Jesus this Ramadan. May God be glorified. Our hope is in Him!
On the Domestic Front
Recall that before war broke out our government was in a state of serious disrepair. Many Israelis passionately opposed our extremist right wing coalition—and sometimes, for good reason. Acrimonious protests were commonplace in Jerusalem and elsewhere.
Following the massacre of October 7, political differences were set aside. Temporarily.
Unfortunately, as the war goes on, more and more soldiers are tragically killed or seriously injured. Limbs are lost, bodies are permanently disfigured and families are destroyed. Nearly 100 hostages remain in captivity, some beyond any natural hope of rescue. In addition, most Israelis are deeply saddened by the suffering of genuinely innocent Gazans. Our nation is in trauma.
Families of hostages and their growing numbers of supporters are demanding that a deal–any deal—be made in order to see their loved ones brought back, dead or alive. Problem is, every offer Hamas has made insists on the release of hundreds or thousands of terrorists held in Israeli prisons for the murder or attempted murder of Jews. These prisoners openly declare they will kill more Jews as soon as they are released.
Hamas’s response to Israel’s latest ceasefire offer was that they would not give Israel a list of names of hostages still held, or any indication of whether those hostages are alive. So any deal for the release of hostages may or may not be more than a drop load of corpses, and may or may not include all of them.
In the absence of a deal, more and more Israelis are demanding the current government resign and be replaced by a new coalition. They want a government that will quickly cut a deal with Hamas, regardless of the cost. They want Prime Minister Netanyahu gone. Not surprisingly, this escalating protest movement is reportedly resourced and heavily funded by global elites and advocates of woke ideologies.
We are not personally privy to high-level government intelligence or unreported political intrigue. So with faith in God and His Word, we steadfastly pray and proclaim His sovereignty over the discord. We praise Him above the heartbreaking sorrow, tumult and confusion, releasing the Word of truth over our people. We cry out to Him for mercy. Nothing is too difficult for God! “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13)
November 21, 2023 “Thoughts and Insights on the Israel-Hamas War” by Sandra Teplinsky
Long ago, when the Jewish people returned to Israel after 70 years of exile, God spoke to them through the prophet Zechariah: “Whoever touches you,” He said, “touches the apple of My eye.” (2:8) The Hebrew word here for “touch” did not refer to a gentle or tender pat, but was used in Scripture to refer to a forceful or violent assault. In other words, those who would intentionally harm the Jewish people would, in effect, poke their finger into the center and most sensitive spot of God’s own eye.
What happens to an individual daring to stick his finger into the eye of Almighty God? History shows that person himself suffers a loss of vision. To the extent that person touches the apple of God’s eye, he himself will be spiritually blinded and deceived.
From biblical times to our day, history shows a little anti-Semitism can go a long way to blind an individual, society or nation to truth. This spiritual principle is one reason many people, especially many educated young adults, can no longer discern what is evil and wrong from that which is good and right. For decades, anti-Israel ideology has been strategically fostered on college campuses around the world, including America, to influence future global leaders.
To the extent an individual, society or nation succumbs to a satanic spirit of anti-Semitism, it inevitably invites upon itself, consciously or unconsciously, a spirit of anti-Christ. The two anti-God spiritual forces are inextricably connected.
Isaiah 60:2 speaks of a time toward the end of this age when darkness covers the earth. This anti-God darkness will be marked first by rampant and raging, global hatred of the Jewish people, then by rampant and raging, global hatred of the Jewish Messiah and those who follow Him.
But there is great hope.
In the preceding verse, Isaiah sees the glory of God graciously rising over His people. “Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” (verse 1) Friends, I believe we are now in just such a time — a time of genuine hope. I see a remnant within the Church rising up in the radiance of Yeshua, pushing back thick darkness in the love and power of the Spirit. That remnant includes many of you.
Many of you have been fasting and praying for Israel. You have reached out to Jewish communities, spoken boldly in your spheres of influence, donated to war relief funds, contacted political leaders, attended rallies in shows of support for Israel and more. Thank you!
What, on the other hand, happens to those who choose to stay silent at such a time as this? The little, one chapter book of Obadiah is packed with revelation addressing the issue. I encourage you to revisit it.
God says through Obadiah: “On the day you stood aloof on the day that strangers carried away [Israel’s] wealth and foreigners entered his gates … you were like one of them.” (verse 11) The Hebrew word translated “stood aloof” refers in this context to standing by, seeing what is happening and doing nothing to help. The point is this: Those who see the plight of the Jews and behave as mere bystanders are, from God’s perspective, not very different from those who actively perpetrate evil against the Jewish people. Quite sobering.
Friends, we encourage you to encourage believers you know to do more than watch the news, listen to absurd, anti-Israel lies propagated by mainstream and social media, and then merely stand by. Encourage other Christians you know to rise up and shine!
Again, we thank God for each of you who has demonstrated support for Israel. We hope this quick glance at Scripture helps equip you to share, in humble but bold love, with other believers who do not yet understand God’s covenant love and passion for His people.
In the past two weeks, your generous donations to our War Fund have helped evacuate Israeli civilians out of harm’s way and provide essential goods for them; supply essential military equipment for soldiers; and pay for emergency trauma counseling for affected families.
This Giving Tuesday, November 28, would you consider an extra donation to Light of Zion? We will dedicate 50 percent of all donations designated Giving Tuesday, now through November 28, to our War Fund, over and above what is designated exclusively to the War Fund.
Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends, and with deep thanksgiving for each of you around the world,
Sandra and Kerry Teplinsky
November 12, 2023 “How You can Help Israel in this Time of War” by Sandra Teplinsky
“Help us O God our Savior, for the glory of Your Name; deliver us and forgive our sins for Your Name’s sake.” (Psalm 79:9)
As I write and as you read, Israeli ground troops are penetrating deep into Gaza City, the heart of the terror nest of Hamas. Many of the 240-plus hostages are believed to be hidden in tunnels underneath Gaza City’s Al-Shifa Hospital, the site of Hamas headquarters. Meanwhile, most of the heads of Hamas are safely tucked away in Qatar and other wealthy Arab states. They are multi-billionaires, enjoying untold sums of dollars of “humanitarian aid” donated to “innocent civilians” in Gaza by Western democracies. “O God, we look to, plead for, and stand in faith for the display of Your mercy, justice and righteous love!”
War Relief Fund: What you have done
This week your donations enabled us to purchase essential medical equipment and personal hygiene items (soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, etc.) for hundreds of Israeli soldiers in the field. As you probably know by now, Israel never expected to have to call up so many of its troops all at once. The military, therefore, does not yet have on hand the supplies and equipment to meet all the soldiers’ basic needs at this time. We wholeheartedly thank you for helping.
Unprecedented Global Antisemitism: What you can do
A special multi-national Arab Summit was held last week in Saudi Arabia to try to resolve the Israel-Hamas war. Iran took the lead in concluding the only just solution to the conflict is a Palestinian state “from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea.” This is traditional and not-so-secret code language for the obliteration of Israel as a Jewish state. Brazenly calling for genocide of the Jews, the slogan now echoes in cities and universities across the earth, including the US. Sadly, even some Christians — especially younger generations — now believe the antisemitic lies perpetrated by so-called progressives who are tightly aligned with those who sympathize with Hamas.
Never in history has the world raged against Israel and the Jews as it is now. For many years, some have said the only safe place for Jewish people is in Israel. We have consistently said the time is coming soon (and now is) where there is no safe place in the world for Jews. God Himself is our refuge and defense.
What can and should you do in the face of mounting Israel and Jew hatred? Some good suggestions can be found in this compelling but short read. It is often said that what starts with the Jews does not end with the Jews. In other words, with the spirit of murderous antisemitism unleashed internationally at hellish levels, the spirit of antichrist or anti-Christianity is soon to follow. Will God’s New and Old covenant people stand together to resist?
Meanwhile, a large and peaceful rally in support of Israel is scheduled to take place this Tuesday, November 14, at the Washington DC Mall. It is hoped that at least a million Christians, Jews and others in support of Israel will attend. Many internationals are flying from abroad to participate. Security will be tight. It is not be too late for some of you who live in the area to plan to attend.
Scriptures to Pray and Proclaim at this Time
- Divine Intervention and Miracles. Pray that Israeli armed forces receive God-given strategies, protections and miracles as they attempt to rescue innocent civilian hostages and in the process, cripple Hamas. It should be noted that in a very real sense, Hamas has held the entire civilian population of Gaza hostage to its satanic reign of terror. “I will go before you…I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, that you may know I am the Lord.” (Isaiah 45:2-3)
- Empowerment, protection and glory to God. Pray Psalm 18 in its entirety. This is a very appropriate passage to proclaim in the Spirit over the armies of Israel. Pray that the many boobytraps Hamas has put in place to kill Israeli troops navigating the streets and underground tunnels will be ineffective or backfire. “Let your enemies fall into the pit they have dug. Let their feet be caught in the net they have hidden.” (from Psalm 9:15) “Free me from the trap that is set for me, for You are my refuge.” (Psalm 31:4)
- Covenant Fulfillment. Proclaim from Ezekiel 37:4-10 the covenant-based revival and empowerment of Israel’s armies by the Spirit of God.
- Freedom for Gaza. Prayerfully proclaim that “Gaza will lose her king,” referring not only to Hamas, but to any demonic principalities over that region. (Zechariah 9:5) Historically, Gaza has never had a righteous governance for any sustainable period of time. It was allotted to the tribe of Judah, which never fully conquered it. (Joshua 15:1-4,12; Judges 1:18-19) In modern times, Gaza fell from Egyptian rule to Israeli control in 1967. In 2005, due to international pressure for a Palestinian state, Israel gave the territory over to the Arabs occupying it. In return, Israel received a deadly barrage of rockets and missiles that continues to this day.
- Battle for Truth: Lies and distortions about Israel, Gaza and the Jewish people have flooded social and even some mainstream media. These lies and distortions, some of which are devilishly bizarre, negatively influence global leaders at all levels of human society. “May the Lord cut off all flattering lips and every boastful tongue that says, ‘We will triumph with our tongue; we own our lives—who is our master’? ‘Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise, says the Lord. I will protect them from those who malign them’.” (Psalm 12:3-4, Nehemiah 6:8)
- Israeli Believers in Jesus. Prayerfully proclaim Psalm 27 in its entirety and John 17: 20-21 for unity.
- For Hostages. Prayerfully proclaim Psalms 23, 28 and 79:11-13 over the 240-plus hostages. It is worth taking a few minutes to look at the photos on this page of the faces of the known hostages. Many are defenseless babies, children or elderly seniors who never imagined they would be cruelly kidnapped, tortured and imprisoned long term. You can pray over each individual and then sign an attached petition for their release. Signing a petition may not seem highly impacting, but decent people in positions of influence who care about public opinion do take such things into account.
November 5, 2023 “How You are Helping Israel in her Time of Trouble” by Sandra Teplinsky
We are amazed at your generosity! Your donations have helped provide temporary hotel rooms for refugees, meals, groceries, clothes, blankets, a generator, refurbishment of a bomb shelter, medical aid and armored bulletproof vests as we pool resources with other Israeli ministries. You may donate to the War Relief Fund from our War Relief page above, or from our Donate page.
Two days ago a large group of Israeli rabbis and government leaders, along with Christian leaders in the nations, issued a formal call for an International Day of Prayer for Israel to take place tomorrow: Monday, November 6. The Light of Zion family gathered yesterday for an intense 2 hour prayer meeting on ZOOM and we are not able to host another call tomorrow. We do encourage you, however, to connect with at least one other believer and pray in agreement and solidarity for Israel tomorrow.
God’s ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are not ours. (Isaiah 55:8-9) We may never understand everything He is doing in this war—or in this life. But we can discern from His Word at least 5 general principles that reflect His character, His prophetic promises and His dealings with humankind. These principles give us insight into some of what He is doing today in the Simchat Torah War. From that, we can see at least 5 general purpose points.
Bear in mind that God often uses Israel as a prophetic picture of what He is doing or about to do in the Church. So as you read, consider how these principles might apply today in your life, too. Prayer points follow.
- God is drawing Israel to Himself, humbling her in love and holiness. He is exposing sin and revealing the true face and heart of Yeshua for the forgiveness of sin. In the Israeli Body, He is purifying and preparing Jewish and Arab believers for a first fruits harvest. He is unifying us in love as one new humanity, a warrior bride.
- God is judging nations and people groups, beginning with Hamas. He wants to set Gazans free from the grip of Hamas so they might know and worship Him. In the process, He is exposing previously hidden evils and some of the deep, dark deceptions that have come on the earth.
Meanwhile, the Matthew 25 principle concerning the judgment of sheep and goats is unfolding. God wants us to align biblically with Israel in the face of rapidly and murderously escalating anti-Semitism. This does not mean we do not extend compassionate care to genuinely innocent Palestinians caught in the crosshairs of this tragic war. However, to be genuinely pro-Palestinian is in reality to be decidedly anti-Hamas.
- God is dealing with the stronghold of Islam, centered in Iran, the national sponsor of Hamas. Iran, like other nations, will not be totally transformed until after Jesus returns, as it will likely be an active aggressor in the apocalyptic war described in Ezekiel 38-39. We can not know for sure at this time if the Simchat Torah War will culminate in that war. Meanwhile, God wants to set multitudes of Muslims free from the devilish grip of Islam to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
- God wants to regather Jews living in the diaspora to Israel in aliyah. As global antisemitism increases due to the war, aliyah (emigration or return to Israel) will increase after the war, especially from North America.
- God wants to glorify Himself in and through His global ekklesia. He is calling His international warrior bride to arise and shine, aligning biblically in support of the Jewish people, summoning their own nations to do the same and purifying herself for His return.
- God’s Victory and Glory.Pray His purposes in this war be accomplished with the least amount of harm resulting in the greatest amount of good for His ultimate glory. (Psalm 83, 33:10-12; Joshua 5:14)
- Repentance/Comfort/Salvations.Pray that many Israelis, Gazans and others affected by the war would humbly turn to God and that the true face of Jesus would be revealed to them. (2 Peter 3:9; Psalms 27 and 23, 34:18; Isaiah 34:1; Zechariah 12:10)
- Hamas – Iran.Pray that God Hamas be neutralized in order to set Palestinians and Israelis free from its evil regime. Pray that God deal mightily with Iran, which controls both Hamas and Hezbollah, according to His will at this time. (Zechariah 9:5-7; Amos 1:6-8; Daniel 2:21; Jeremiah 49:34-35, 37-38)
- Israeli Authorities. Pray for the gift of the fear of the Lord, wisdom, protection and direction for Israeli military and government leaders, especially the emergency war cabinet: PM Netanyahu, Mr. Gantz and Mr. Gallant. (1 Timothy 2:1-4; Proverbs 9:10-11, 21:1; Psalm 91)
- Jerusalem. Pray for the peace and protection of Jerusalem and all Israel. (Psalms 122 and 91)
- Hostages. Pray for the protection of, great grace upon, and safe return of hostages and comfort for their loved ones. (1 Samuel 30:11-19; Zechariah 9: 11-12; Psalms 91 and 23, 34:18; Isaiah 63:9)
- Soldiers. Pray for strength, protection and anointing on our soldiers, security officers, police and first responders, especially the many Messianic soldiers. (Psalms 18 and 91)
- Scope. Pray that the scope of war be limited by the power of the Blood of Yeshua according to His sovereign will, not causing a world war out of His timing. (Daniel 2:21)
- Truth. Pray for the exposure of lies versus truth in global media and other venues. (Psalm 144:11)
- Demonic Influence. Pray the power of the Blood of Yeshua and Word of Truth over demonic influences of witchcraft, globalism and other supernaturally evil forces. (Ephesians 6:12; Numbers 23:23; Zechariah 9:13)
- Israeli Ekklesia. Pray for strength, peace, protection and anointing on Jewish and Arab Israeli followers of Yeshua to shine as lights, comforting and leading others to Messiah in His love. (Matthew 5:14-16; Revelation 12:11; Psalm 91)
- Global Ekklesia. Pray for the global Body of Messiah to stand firm in the love and truth of God’s Word in support of Israel, with His heart for Palestinians and all others involved in the war. (Matthew 5:14-16; Revelation 12:11; Matthew 25:31-40)
All Israel News is a news service operated by American Israeli believer Joel Rosenberg. Although we do not always agree with some of the writers’ conspiracy leanings or eschatology, most articles are usually quite good. You can subscribe to their daily emails.
Daily Alert is a digest of important Israeli news, prepared for the leaders of Jewish organizations around the world, by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. They take time and effort to discern fact from fiction. You can subscribe to their daily emails. They are not Messianic.
Israel Realtime War Updates – Defense & Security in English operates 6 days a week by former Israeli military officers on the social media text message platform called Telegram. They are not Messianic and usually do not state their news sources but can be very helpful for up to the minute prayer points.
Times of Israel and The Jerusalem Post are secular news services reporting in English from Israel. They are both centrist and usually avoid rumor mongering but can be a bit sensational. Haaretz is a leftist Israeli news service in English with globalist leanings. We include it here for those interested to learn more about the non-conservative agenda for the sake of prayer.
October 16, 2023, “A Time of Trouble for Jacob Has Begun” by Sandra Teplinsky
“The sovereign Lord will sound the trumpet; He will march in the storms of the south and the Lord Almighty will shield them. They will destroy and overcome with slingstones … The Lord their God will save His people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock.” (Zechariah 9:14-16)
A (but not necessarily the) time of great trouble for Jacob has surely begun. News reports are readily available for you from many sources, some of which are actually accurate. I will not take time to repeat what you likely already know, other than to say at the moment, it appears Israel is making good progress in severely weakening Hamas. At the same time, global consternation toward Israel is rising because Hamas has intertwined itself intentionally with the civilian population, brutally forcing innocent Gazans to serve as human shields in various, sinister ways.
God wants to set the good people of Gaza free. The temporary humanitarian crisis which will result may be a tragic necessity, the unavoidable collateral damage in a war launched by Gaza’s own oppressors.
Meanwhile, one wild card is Hezbollah, firmly entrenched in Lebanon and Syria, under Iran’s command. If Hezbollah / Iran (perhaps I should say, Hezbiran) intensifies its involvement militarily, the Simchat Torah War will turn into an existential war for Israel. Apart from Hezbollah, since yesterday, Iran has directly threatened Israel in several cryptic, public messages. Pray that God will contain and restrain this war with Hamas, not allowing it to erupt into a premature regional conflagration or World War III.
The main purpose of this letter is to let you know we have designated a War Relief Fund accessible to you on our web site. Kerry and I have been investigating what we can do besides pray, and with what other Israeli ministries we can co-labor, to provide aid and comfort to refugees, soldiers, the wounded, and other victims of war.
We plan to work with larger Israeli organizations, but many of their plans and final decisions are still in process. The needs are seemingly endless: military equipment, protective gear, food, clothing, housing, medical equipment and medical care, spiritual comfort and more. We are committed to donating 100 percent of every contribution we receive in our War Relief Fund as quickly as possible to help meet these needs. All donations are fully tax deductible in the US. To help us help Israel, please CLICK HERE and type “War Relief” in the designation box.
We will let you know how your funds are or will be spent when there is greater clarity from the larger ministries with which we are working. Please understand the fog of war is not limited to the physical battlefield, but affects every sector of life right now. Larger organizations can have broad impact but sometimes move a bit slower.
Meanwhile, we thank each of you who has sent a special financial offering to Light of Zion’s general fund in the past week, as we ourselves are facing additional expenses due to the war.
October 10-11, 2023, “In the Wake of 10/7/23 – The Worst Attack on Jews Since the Holocaust”
O LORD, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. To the LORD I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side. Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. (Psalm 3)
This is Kerry Teplinsky writing from Jerusalem. After sharing some personal thoughts with you on the current war, Sandra will share her heart at the end of this letter. Please understand this letter is being written “raw”, rather hastily, and in the fog of war.
We are deeply grateful for those of you who have reached out to us during this difficult season and for lifting up Israel in prayer. We are in our apartment, which has a bomb shelter, and physically safe as we write. As you know, the majority of death and devastation has taken place in towns and cities near Gaza. There is no need for me to rehash what has already been widely reported in the news about this tragedy.
We have lived in the Jerusalem area for over 10 years, and this is the first time we have ever heard air raid sirens that required us to enter our “safe room”. It can be unnerving to hear the siren, herd our cats into the shelter with us, and then wait for the booms that we hope are intercepted missiles rather than bombs hitting their target. Yesterday one such missile landed slightly southwest of us, causing injury and damage.
The streets around us, normally teeming with cars, are eerily quiet and the grocery shelves are largely empty. We do not know for how long this will continue.
Ben Gurion airport is operating at about 10% capacity with a great many foreign carriers cancelling flights. Many Israelis are leaving to stay with families abroad. Many tourists cannot yet find a way to go home.
Large international events that have been planned for many months are being cancelled or greatly modified. We are supposed to be part of some of those events. The government is preventing groups of more than 50 to gather together indoors, and groups larger than 10 from gathering outdoors. A funeral for a long time and well known Christian leader in Israel had to be restricted to his immediate family because of this prohibition yesterday.
Our daughter Tasha is dutifully serving in her role as pediatric oncology nurse at Hadassah Hospital.
I will attempt to write down random ideas that come in times of prayer or reflection, and share some with you.
I clearly understand better than ever what PTSD is like. During the evening last night there was a rainstorm, and Sandra woke me to say she heard bombs without the warning sirens having alerted us. It was actually thunder. I am guessing that it will be a long time before certain noises go unnoticed as in the past.
Many want to cast stones at the government of Israel, the IDF, the Mossad, President Biden, globalists or others for this tragedy. In my opinion, this is not the time for that. I believe the principal goals of the nation should be for the return of the captives, securing of the borders, and then destruction of Hamas to the extent possible without ravaging the civilian population of Gaza. Sadly, I do not know how many of those goals are achievable.
The nation proudly relied on the IDF for its national security, and was clearly let down. Even the most God fearing of us were guilty to varying degrees of that. Knowing that God is our refuge and strength, we still spend hours praying for the army to save and deliver.
Typically, Israelis have thought that the invincibility of the IDF meant that they had no need for a savior. I believe that now, more than ever before, many are realizing their need to be physically saved. My heart cry for Israelis is that Jesus, who stands at the door and knocks, will find open doors into their hearts.
Many here in the Messianic Body are focused on the horrors of the past few days, and the days or months ahead. I am not. I am focused as best I can be on glorifying God, proclaiming His promises for the nation and for us as individuals, and surrendered to recognizing that I do not understand all that I once thought I might. After all, these horrific events were allowed at this time. Is it because of national sin? What nation does not sin?
Messianic Jews surrendered to Jesus were among some of the first soldiers who died on Saturday. For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. (Eccl 3:1) Therefore, there must be a purpose here. If it is a national purpose, it is very sad that so many were called to pay a price for it. May God minister to the families from His storehouse of mercies. May He reveal that purpose, and may that purpose find fulfillment in the life of the nation and its individuals.
The face of true evil has been revealed for all the world to see. Now is the time for the face of Yeshua to be reflected in and through the Body that the contrast would be so evident that many would be drawn to Him.
It is not lost on me that this attack occurred on “the last and great day of the feast” (John 7:37-39). The feast, Sukkot or Tabernacles, is a feast to commemorate our frailty apart from God. We live in booths to remind ourselves of His provision in the desert after the exodus from Egypt. The booths are meant to be flimsy, so as to show our dependence on Him. What a powerful reminder this attack was on that day that our protection and trust must be in Him, not the strength of man.
I apologize for rambling. Sleep deprivation clouds the mind. My purposes were to let you know we are well physically, and like the rest of the nation, so well expressed by the apostle Paul :
We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed– always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 2 Corinthians 4:8-11 (NKJV)
I shudder to think where we would be had not millions of intercessors been raised up in May over 21 days. Please continue to pray for Israel, and for Sandra, Tasha, and I.
A Personal Note from Sandra
Shalom to each of you from a place where shalom exists only in the hearts of those who intimately know the Gift of God, the Prince of Shalom. But perhaps that is true everywhere.
I wholeheartedly thank each of you who has prayed for us, taken a moment to email or text us, or reached out in any other way. Your love and support has helped keep me going through this perplexing time. Friends here with whom I have in the past been very close no longer live in Israel, so your long distance friendship has been a blessing beyond what you can imagine.
Until today, I have been so overcome by grief, heartbreak, sorrow and to be transparent, worry, that I could not gather my thoughts coherently. As we shared in a recent newsletter, 5784 was to be for me a personal sabbatical, partly to recover from physical and spiritual exhaustion following decades of pioneering ministry. The goal was to focus on Yeshua, intentionally seeking His joy for renewed strength and turning back to my first love. I looked to Him for a season of rest, restoration and preparation for the years ahead. Right now, we don’t know for sure how or if that can or should still happen. The looming issue and reality is currently not about a sabbatical.
Some believers around us who say they are in perfect peace simply do not look much at the unfolding of circumstances. When biblical promises of protection are met with reports of innocent Jewish women, children and elderly getting beheaded, maimed, raped and otherwise horrifically tortured, it seems some believers will not let such realities sink into their hearts or minds. And so their faith, they say, remains strong and intact.
This approach I (and many others) have not been able to take. However, I do find I must now limit my reading of the news and nonstop alerts from Israel’s equivalent of US Homeland Security in order to fix my thoughts and gaze on Yeshua. While I cannot not feel the sufferings taking place around me, some of which are eerily reminiscent of the Holocaust, I know I must release each war victim into Yeshua’s loving hands, trusting Him with their suffering and believing for His comfort to them.
Because we are not fluent in Hebrew, and because most Israelis who are not fighting in the military are staying home (schools and many places of business are closed), Kerry and I find all we can really do to help at this time is pray and encourage other believers here. In the near future we hope to raise funds for some of the most needy victims of war.
Daily we lead, co-lead or participate in prayer meetings in real space in different venues in Jerusalem or on Zoom. We repent and cry out on behalf of our people. We declare God’s promises in His Word based on His immutably good character. We petition Him for specifics as the Spirit leads – and He has given us some unusual specifics these past few days. We offer the sacrifice of praise and exalt Yeshua over the war, for He is the Captain of Heaven’s Armies.
Many prophetic voices in Israel are publishing their perspectives or dreams or words on the war. I prayerfully consider what they say, as well as what I personally hear from the Spirit. But in the end, this war is about God gaining glory in Israel and the nations and Satan doing all he can to steal, kill and destroy God’s purposes, people and glory. It is about warfare and labor pains preceding Yeshua’s return. Our evil enemy (Satan and his minions inspiring Hamas) will ultimately lose this war. Meanwhile, how will we each respond?
Given the above, my personal focus in prayer, at least for now, is fourfold. There are many specifics for which I pray, but these are the main four points:
- To prayerfully proclaim that God’s purposes be swiftly accomplished in the war and that He work good from evil. Mercy and miracles!
- To declare and release in prayer the power of the Blood of Yeshua to limit and achieve victory – as He defines it — in this war and in every dimension (time, ground territory, spiritual realms, etc). No regional conflagration or World War III at this time! Mercy and miracles!
- To praise and worship Yeshua, declaring His name and sovereignty over the people and land as a banner. Mercy and miracles!
- To battle for personal peace and intimacy with God. His heart is big enough to both mourn and rejoice simultaneously. I want to be one with whom He can and will freely share His heart in this so-called “Simchat Torah War.” I want to see the Body of Messiah in Israel do the same and shine as lights in a very dark time.
King Solomon wrote there is a time to mourn and a time to rejoice. But Yeshua exists apart from time, and so to the extent we are in Him, we do, too. Along with this truth, let us also remember that because Yeshua is the Word, Simchat Torah (meaning “Rejoicing in Torah”) is about rejoicing not in happy circumstances, but in Him. With each passing day, I am increasingly aware that His joy (not our own) is our strength.