Jewish tradition has assigned to each week of the Hebraic year a formal reading of a portion of the Torah (parasha) and other Hebrew Scriptures (haftorah). Evidence exists suggesting this practice could date back to biblical times. The relevance of the parasha to our circumstances each week is often striking.
On January 1, 2019, many will feel opportunity in the air, so to speak, to start fresh with an aspect of their lives. This sense of restart at the Gregorian New Year resonates in a promising way with this week’s parasha, Exodus 1:1-6:1.
In that passage the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob cry out and groan from their slavery in Egypt. God responds by calling Moses to deliver His people to their promised land. The humbled shepherd, however, knows he does not have the ability to perform the task. “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” he asks. (Exodus 3:11)
God does not answer Moses’ question because there can be no suitable reply. Instead He tells him what the man needs to know. The next verse reads, “And God said, “I will be with you.”
Rather than bolster Moses’ self esteem, God shifts the focus off Moses and onto Himself. Israel’s redemption is not going to be about Moses or his abilities. It is going to be about God and His infinite omnipotence.
Reading between the lines, we almost hear Moses reply in verse 13, “And who exactly are you, God?”
The Creator answers, “I am who I am.” The Hebrew literally means, “I will be who I will be.” (verse 14)
In the Bible, a name defines or describes personhood. Therefore, any name other than “I will be who I will be” would limit the One who is limitless. God does not change in the essence of His character. But He is also beyond definition or restriction. In revealing His name to Moses, He is indirectly saying that He will be to Moses and the Israelites (and Pharoah) who He knows they’ll need Him to be. Similarly, He will be to you who He knows you need Him to be. No limits.
As you approach 2019 and its uncertainties, like Moses, you may feel insecure in your own abilities. Perhaps God has called you to a task you suspect—or know—that you yourself cannot achieve. Maybe He is leading you in a direction you’ve not previously gone. Or it could be that circumstances around you are changing fast and hard. (Here in Israel, major government and military shakings seem likely to occur in 2019.) If any such uncertainties apply to you, be encouraged by this week’s parasha.
Whatever God has called you to in 2019, it will not be about your abilities. It will be about His abilities, based on who He is and who He will be — the glorious, loving Creator who defies limitation. He will be who you need Him to be this coming year. And He will be with you.
God desires to glorify His Name through you in 2019. Like Moses, you need only surrender to Him. No limits!