To all God’s people, lift your voice,
Purim’s here; it’s time to rejoice!
God’s faithfulness is still at hand
To deliver us throughout the land.
For once in Persia, dark and grim,
An evil plot was hatched within.
A son of Amalek schemed with pride,
But Yahweh stayed right by our side.
Queen Esther stood up humbly bold;
Before the king, her tale was told.
Inspired by wisdom from Mordecai,
She exposed the deep state of Haman’s lie.
The foe was crushed and Israel won
Victory by heaven’s Kingdom.
So once again, despite our woes,
We trust God to defeat our foes.
Prayer and fasting will turn the tide
As in His grace we do abide.
So let us celebrate with praise
For God’s glory in these last days!
* * * * * *
PS: A sign to America shines down soon
By this year’s special Purim blood moon.
Tragedy turned triumph be unto you
As toward God and Israel you stand true.