
What Might Standing With the Jewish People Cost You? What Might You Gain?



This week (March 29-April 5) is known in the Christian world as Holy Week. It is a perfect time to mediate on Yeshua’s call to the cross, the way to life. “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Mat. 16:24-25) A popular Holy Week sermon puts it like this: “If Friday’s here, then Sunday’s coming!”

I’ve listed four realities that appear to foreshadow four soon coming, historical opportunities for American Christians to stand with the Jewish people. These opportunities may come with a cost. But they could also mean bountiful life. This week, why not consider WWJD—and what you’ll do because you follow Him.

1. For the first time in history, the Chief Executives of the United States and Israel are at such serious odds that the former has embarked on a course of action which, unchecked, will threaten the existence of the Jewish state. (World Israel News, 3/28/15; many others)

2. For the first time in history, a top ranking US official has reportedly told American Jews they can depend only on Israel, not America, to defend them. Vice President Joseph Biden is quoted as having said to a gathering of American Jewish leaders, “No matter how engaged you are in the United States…there is really only one guarantee, and that’s the state of Israel.” (The Boston Globe, 3/16/15; Israel National News, 3/30/15)

3. For the first time in history, raging anti-Semitism has become endemic on the majority of US college campuses, and therefore, among America’s elite and future leaders. (Israel National News, 3/29/15; many others).

4. For the first time in history, the American Church has been mostly marginalized legally, socially and culturally.

IS FRIDAY HERE IN AMERICA? SUNDAY’S COMING. Here are four opportunities:

1. PRAY for the United States, Israel and their relationship at this crucial time. God has not forsaken either nation, though their future may not resemble their past.

2. SHARE with American Jews not just the Good News of salvation, but the blessings of aliyah (returning to Israel). But please be sensitive to the Spirit. You don’t want them to misunderstand and think you personally want them out of the country!

3. PREPARE, together with other believers in your community, practical ways to protect or shelter Jewish people in the future.

4. LIVE IN MESSIAH as the surrendered servant and courageous conqueror that you are! God is taking the American Church to new levels of humility combined with authority. It’s going to be good. So let’s awaken from the American dream, trust in the reality of His love, and provoke American Jews to jealousy for their God. Because Friday and Sunday have really both come.